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Gut zu wissen: Hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks aus der Praxis prägnant, und auf den Punkt gebracht für NX
Distalmotion: Polarion für alle - ALM als Unternehmensbetriebssystem , ein Anwenderbericht
Autor Thema:  NX INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (10769 mal gelesen)
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Hmmm, was mich nur stutzig macht: mir wäre nicht bekannt, dass Siemens uns bereits über dieses neue Prozedere aufgeklärt hat - bin gespannt wann das passiert...


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Auf meine Nachfrage hin, hier ein Statement von Siemens: "The detection software DOES NOT turn on for any customer who is using a legal version of our software.  Therefore, for those customers who are requesting that this be turned off, we can inform them that the detection software is turned off."

Daraufhin habe ich dann nochmal nachgefragt, wer und von wo diese "Erkennungssoftware" denn steuert bzw. gesteuert wird? Antwort von Siemens ist noch offen...

  Gruß Michael

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Meinolf Droste
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erstellt am: 05. Feb. 2010 09:49    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities Nur für micru 10 Unities + Antwort hilfreich


folgendes hat der John Baker im GTAC gepostet:


Sorry, but it appears that you've all gone off on a tangent here confusing this with something altogether different (which I'll get to in a minute).
So far none of the responses to the above question has even come close, so here goes:

There actually IS a product named 'NX Intellectual Property Management', or 'NX IP Management' for short, which while it's not quite ready for prime-time, we hope that it will be soon.  The current plan is to offer it with NX 7.5 (probably as part of an MR later in the year) and while it will work with data managed by TeamCenter, that will not be a prerequisite.

For now the best description I can give goes something like this:

NX IP Management...

* Protects NX data files issued to external partners and suppliers

* Only authorized persons can perform actions such as view, export, print, measure, and modify structure

* Expiration dates/times cancels all privileges extended to the receiver including viewing the NX data

The expected value to our customers is that this will support ERM (Enterprise Right's Management) to help protect a companies IP (Intellectual
Property) when issuing NX data to external suppliers and partners.

It will utilize a 3rd party product which is being integrated into NX 7.5.
More details will be forthcoming when we are ready to announce the pricing and availability of this product.

As for the other topic, the one the thread seems to have inadvertently latch onto, this is something else and does not involve our customer's Intellectual Property, but rather OUR OWN (Siemens PLM's IP)!!  Basically the contents of the letter posted by Stefan a couple of days ago should be self-explanatory and again you may hear more about this, but for now, you should not be too concerned as this is NOT something that customers will need to purchase or even to worry much about since if everyone plays by the rules, nothing much happens.  The intention is that this will be non-intrusive and will not involve any data or records created by our customers, but rather only our products and code.

BTW, this should not be a surprise as Siemens PLM is not the only company taking actions similar to this.  As a member of the BSA (Business Software
Alliance) we are but one of many companies who are taking various steps with respect to protecting our Intellectual Property and as I said, you will probably be hearing some additional details in the near future, although don't expect us to make too big a deal of this since, as I said, under ideal conditions, nothing much will change for any of us.

If you would like to learn more about the BSA and what their goals and programs are, as well as get a list of all the members, may I suggest that you go to:

If there are any remaining questions, please, feel free...

John R. Baker, P.E.
Product 'Evangelist'
Product Design Solutions
Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Industry Sector


Grüße Meinolf

Ich steh auf flotte Dreier

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das ist, was die Bedenken der meisten Anwender in Punkto Datenschutz angeht, nicht sehr ergiebig. Das angekündigte neue Produkt hört sich zwar interessant an, tut aber nichts zur Sache. Wer uns was die BSA ist, interessiert mich auch eher am Rande. Und in der Kernfrage gibt's keine Ausssage, sondern ein Hinhalten und zudem einen Widerspruch zu den bisher bekannten Info`s: and will not involve any data or records created by our customers : ?? Wird also doch nichts in die Parts geschrieben.

Gruß, Michael

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