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Xometry verstärkt sein Angebot für die Blechbearbeitung: Mehr Fertigungsoptionen und bessere Sofort-Angebote, eine Pressemitteilung
Autor Thema:  Neuigkeiten in IronCAD 4.0 (1268 mal gelesen)
Dipl.-Ing. Maschinenbau

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Beiträge: 52
Registriert: 27.10.2000

LoboCAD ist Vertriebspartner für IronCAD, Inovate, IronCAD DRAFT, Rhino, DATAKIT und DesignDataManager.

erstellt am: 27. Dez. 2000 13:58    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities

Das neue Release IronCAD 4.0 wird in Kürze erscheinen. Nachfolgend ein kurzer Überblick zu den Neuigkeiten - leider noch in englischer Sprache:

IronCAD® 4.0 Highlights
Quality Enhancements
View creation performance
In IronCAD® 4.0, we have improved performance time in 2D drawing view
creation especially in multiple views and views for models with many linked
files in the 2D drawings
Large assembly performance
A new "Level of Detail" option has been added to allow improved interaction
performance of the 3D model for rotation, zoom and other camera tools while
in Parasolid®.
We give the user two options to increase their productivity when working
with large assemblies. The current method is the Load On Demand capability
which loads the geometry information when a user clicks on a part, the new
option is the ability to load the Exact Surface Description (Boundary Rep)
upon opening a file this interaction will load the geometry automatically to
avoid wait time.
Externally linked assemblies load faster.
Memory management
In IronCAD® 4.0 we increased memory management control.
2D profile performance
Creation and Modification of 2D profiles are even faster!
Increased 2D profile performance enables the user to turn on and off blue
profile indicators. This new feature improves the speed in creation and
modification of large sketches. When zoomed in on an area, performance is
heightened on areas of the 2D profile.
Sheet Metal Enhancements
New automatic constraints on Sheet Metal
When dragging and dropping punch, form and bend features, new automatic
constraints have been added to insure.
Sheet Metal and Layers
A new option has been added to allow alternate types of features to be
separated into layers to facilitate manufacturing.
The new options located on the DWG/DXF export dialog and allows the user to
specify placement of sheet metal form, punch, and sheet stock features on
separate layers in a drawing.
Automation Interface Enhancements
New automation is now available to allow selection of shapes by highlight
and to set the selection filter to specified Part/Intellishape®/Face.
Creation and unfolding of curved sheet metal parts
New tools have been introduced to allow creation and unfolding of sheet
metal parts from extruded edges that are connected by tangency.
Additions to the sheet metal catalog are Curved Stock and Add Curved Stock
sheet metal shapes. These shapes can be used for "drag and drop" to initiate
curved sheet metal
Sheetmetal cutting tool
A new option has been added that allows users to trim sheet metal parts in
the folded state. This function can be performed with standard solid shapes
or curved sheet metal parts.
User selectable unfold orientation
The user now can reposition the anchor of the part to an alternate stock or
bend feature to reference the selected feature as the unfold base.
The user now has more control of the unfold direction and orientation of the
sheet metal.
User selectable punch positioning
Punch on bend features now have two options with respect to flat and default
punch position behavior. The user has more control when using the standard
IronCAD® tools in positioning the default punch.
Technical Drawing Enhancements
Embedded Excel™ enhancements
Enhancements have been made in embedded Excel controls to allow improved
table representations. These enhancements include improved positioning,
sizing, and formatting of Excel documents while inside IronCAD®.
Intelligent title block
Microsoft Visual Basic (VB®) code has been added to allow developers and
consultants to create population of text fields on the 2D drawing.
Information on how to set up the customization and how the code works is
contained in the Readme.txt file.
Section and detail view name customization
Ability to customize the names of section, auxiliary, and detail views to
the native language of the customer has been added.
Dual dimension
Dual Dimension options have been for dimensions in the 2D drawing. This
allows users to set the upper and lower unit values, which can then be
displayed in a side-by-side manner or in an upper-lower position. This
benefits a worldwide manufacturing process.
Angular location for drawing dimension display
A new option has been added to angular dimensions. Use the dimension line
Default Properties and/or individual radial and diameter dimension
properties sheets for precision location of radial and diameter dimensions.
Print Viewable Area
This new feature allows a user to zoom in on an area and print the displayed
geometry rather than the full 2D drawing.
Modeling Enhancements
Loft with guide curve
The user now has more control of lofted shapes by providing tangency control
of the guide curve at each loft profile.
Patterns of shapes
A new pattern shape can be created with the TriBall®, this allows pattern
creation using IntelliShapes®, parts, and assemblies. Linear, rectangular,
and radial patterns can also be created.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
Import/export of CATIA®
We extend our hyper-operability lead in this new option for ™. This option
can be found in the standard Import/Export option under the File menu.
Support for Windows® 2000
IronCAD® 4.0 now fully supports on Windows® 2000, Windows NT®, and Windows®
Macro enhancements
Functionality has been expanded in the parameter tables to include INT and
SWITCH expressions.
The Switch expression broadens the capabilities of an "If" statement to
include different cases.
Switch expressions can have many possible cases that can be easily written
compared to a multiple nested "If/Else" statement. The other new expression
include in the parameter table is the INT expression, which is an Integer
Modification of Add-On Tools button icons
Toolbar button icons can now be customized to the user’s preference.
©2000 IronCAD, Intellishape, and TriBall are registered trademarks of
Alventive, Inc. All other marks are registered trademarks of their
respective companies.

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