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Top best Android applications to help you manage your files better

We’ve worked hard to narrow the long list of file managers, and here are top 4 hand-picked apps on Android that absolutely satisfy every user.  

Nowadays, the mobile phone memory and SD card are becoming bigger and bigger. This allows every user to keep many files in storage. However, the problem is the more files you save, the more likely they are to be messed up. In the past, you needed a good management mind; nonetheless, currently, a lot of file managers are available for your choice. Generally, when you buy a smartphone or tablet, one file manager is often pre-installed on your device. But it might be not the best. If you are not completely satisfied with your file manager, it’s time to read our below list carefully. There is a high possibility that you can find out your own key. 

1. MK Explorer

MK Explorer is an amazing app that does not take up much of data or space on your device. Developed by kormateusz, over a couple of years, MK Explorer has gained a firm base of users. Why is that? While many other managers tend to make their design more complicated, MK Explorer tries to make it as simple as possible. Not only is the interface easy-to-use but all the functions are just basic. If you are searching for a file manager with advanced functions such as cloud sharing or remote access, this app is not for you. For more fun, just check Apk info

Key features: 

- Material design: Designers make use of material design in order to bring the most fascinating experience with 3D effects, down-to-earth lightning, and realistic animation. 

- Provides all basic features such as delete, move, copy, paste, extracting files and compressing to ZIP. All functions are basic, but not all apps can give you the best experience like MK Explorer. 

- Also, MK Explore provides root access in case you forget where it originally comes from. 

- Powerful search engine: Just type your keyword, and all results will be shown just in a blink of your eyes! 

- It has a built-in gallery, text editor and music player. So much in one lightweight app! 

- You can use MK Explorer in 20 different languages, and of course, all are free.

2. AirDroid: Remote access & File

While MK Explore can’t help you with remote access, AirDroid absolutely can. AirDroid is one of the best file managers and recommended for use by PCWorld, BGR, LifeHacker, CNET, and many other technology websites. Why is that? 

Key features: 

- Generally, when you want to access your mobile phone from a computer, you need plug a USB cable in. However, with AirDroid, you can directly transfer documents, videos, pictures, and more from your mobile to the computer or vice versa without a cable. 

- AirDroid brings better concentration. Calls, SMS, and app notifications that you allow are displayed on a larger screen, which assists you to type more quickly and concentrate intently. 

- Imagine that you are unfortunate enough to lose your smartphone. In this situation, all your saved data will be at risk. With AirDroid, you can track down your mobile phone. Also, you can transfer all your data from your missing phone to your computer without delay. Protect your data in any case with AirDrop. 

- In addition, AirDroid accelerates the speed of your phone – by clearing up memory and trash. 

Find more Best free apk games and apps to download for Android

3. ES File Explorer File Manager 

300 million users all over the world is clear evidence for the fact that ES File Explorer is one of the strongest file managers on Android.

- ES File Explorer runs basic functions and can copy, paste, cut, move, add or delete files or folders flawlessly. Although there are many file managing apps for Android, only a few can perform these function perfectly. 

- One feature that makes ES File Explorer outstanding among a wide range of file managers on the market is Spatial Analyzer. It helps users clean up all activity history, and then restore space and boost speed. 

- Moreover, you can share any songs, photos or videos with your friends who also make use of ES File Explorer. Sharing has never been easier!

- Like MK Explorer, ES also has root access that allows you to trace back to the origin location. 

- When using ES, you won’t be distracted by annoying ads. All you need to do is to adjust your settings 

4. ASTRO File Explorer

Last in the top list is ASTRO File Explorer, one fully-featured file manager. Any distinguished features? Absolutely yes!

- It is an ad-free app for Android. 

- The interface is well-designed and intuitive. There are many categories on the screen, which makes navigation easier.  

- Downloading large files is not an issue anymore thanks to the built-in download manager of ASTRO. 

- Nowadays, you don’t only keep your files in your mobile memory and SD card, but also on Cloud Networks. Luckily, ASTRO is designed to help you manage all of them. 

- If ES File Explorer File Manager has Spatial Analyzer, ASTRO File Explorer also provides an SD Card Usage Manager. With the same function as Spatial Analyzer, this SD Manager helps to clear memory and keep space free. Besides, Task Killer will help you prevent “bad” tasks that can degrade your battery and mobile performance. 

Wrapping it up!

Don’t waste time to manage the huge amount of data in your phone manually. Let file managing apps on Android help you. If you haven’t yet found any app that really meets your needs, then why not start trying from number one in our list? All are the top-rated apps and millions of users have installed. Don’t forget to download APKs - download .apk games and apps free online.

[Diese Nachricht wurde von fiorasyndra1 am 04. Mrz. 2019 editiert.]

[Diese Nachricht wurde von fiorasyndra1 am 04. Mrz. 2019 editiert.]

[Diese Nachricht wurde von fiorasyndra1 am 04. Mrz. 2019 editiert.]

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Guten Morgen,

weiß ja nicht, was alles zur Auswahl steht, aber im Prinzip sollte es egal sein.

Musst nur eine 32- oder 64-bitrunter laden und die ei.cfg etwas modifizieren.

Siehe: Alle Windows 7 Versionen auf einer DVD oder USB-Stick oder Dr.Google mit den Suchbegriffen ähnlich "win7 iso alle versionen" füttern. 

Grüße. Chris.

Christian -jpsonics- J.
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