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Autor Thema:  Progr. starten nachdem ACAD beendet wurde. (284 mal gelesen)

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Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 06.05.2004

HP Workstation xw4000 - P4 2.4 1024MB 80GB Quadro4
Windows 2000 Pro
Visual Basic 6 + SP6
AutoCAD 2004
AutoCAD Mechanical 2004 DX

erstellt am: 19. Mai. 2004 14:24    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities

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Hat jemand einen Tip, wie ich ein Progr.(z.B. BAT-Datei) starten kann, nachdem ich ACAD beendet habe bzw. während ich ACAD beende?

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Stateless-DHCP v6-Paketfragmentierer

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erstellt am: 19. Mai. 2004 14:36    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities Nur für tomjerry 10 Unities + Antwort hilfreich


EndCommand Event

Triggered immediately after a command completes.


object Application
An object expression that evaluates to a valid container object. In this case, the only valid container is the application.


The name of the command that was issued.


The EndCommand event follows the BeginCommand event after AutoCAD completes the processing of the command. If the user cancels out of the command, the EndCommand event will not be triggered.

The BeginCommand event will be fired for any basic AutoCAD command, or any command registered on the AutoCAD command stack via an ObjectARX application, or the Visual Lispvlax-add-cmd function. It will not be fired for any normally defun'd C: lisp function because it is not exposed to the command stack, even though you execute it from the AutoCAD command Line. If you need lisp commands to be recognized when they execute, you will need to use the Visual Lisp vlax-add-cmd function to register the command correctly to the AutoCAD command stack.

If you undefine an AutoCAD command and then redefine it via a lisp defun, the BeginCommand event will not be triggered (if at all) until an actual AutoCAD command is called; for example, (command "_.LINE" ...).

AutoCAD commands are stored in groups in the command stack. One instance of the command stack is created per AutoCAD session. This stack consists of the native AutoCAD commands, as well as any custom commands you add to it.

No events will be fired while a modal dialog is being displayed.


Private Sub AcadDocument_EndCommand(ByVal CommandName As String)
    ' This example intercepts a drawing EndCommand event.
    ' This event is triggered when a drawing receives
    ' any command compatible with this event.
    ' To trigger this example event: Issue any command to an open drawing from
    ' either the command line, VBA, the ACAD menus, the ACAD toolbars, or LISP.
    ' When the command is finished this event will trigger.

    ' Use the "CommandName" variable to determine which command just finished
    MsgBox "A drawing has just finished a " & CommandName & " command."

End Sub

"Lisp?!?! Why the Hell did you pick the most arcane, obscure, and hopelessly-rooted-in-the-computer-science-department language in the world for an AutoCAD programming language?"  Read the whole story: The Autodesk File ca. 890 Seiten | 7500 KB PDF

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