Ich hab mich erst gefreut und dann gefragt, was sich denn getan hat.
Darum möchte ich gerne einen Ausschnitt hier zeigen.
Falls das nicht erlaubt sein sollte, bitte ich die Mods es zu entfernen.
Compatibility Upstream features from the OpenFOAM® code base are merged into foam-extend on regular basis. The interface format of foam-extend-3.0 is largely compatible to OpenFOAM-1.6-ext and OpenFOAM-1.7.x. In some cases, the differences are caused by bug fixes and algorithmic improvements, considered more important than inter-operability. * Main diferentiators
A large number of features has been lost within the release cycle of OpenFOAM code;
since version 1.3, the code base has shrunk by more than 40%. While we understand the lack of technical ability of supporting advanced CFD features, we feel that existing features and specifically large-scale contributions should remain active and developed further. Below is a list of main features of foam-extend-3.0 which are lost, deactivated or unusable in ESI releases:
** Turbomachinery features, including General Grid Interface (GGI), partial overlap GGI, cyclic GGI, with improvements in parallel scaling. First full and validated release of a mixing plane stage interface
** Dynamic mesh with topological changes sliding interfaces, mesh layering, attach-detach boundaries etc. in foam-extend-3.0 full parallel support for topological changes is released for the first time
** Finite Element Method with support for polyhedral meshes This is mainly used in mesh deformation and over the last 15 years it has proven vastly superior to all other dynamic mesh methods.
** Advanced mesh deformation technology including tet FEM mesh deformation, Radial Basis Function (RBF) mesh deformation, tetrahedral remeshing dynamic mesh support and solid body motion functions. All of the above include parallelisation support
** Library of dynamic meshes with topological changes with full second order FVM discretisation support on moving meshes with topological changes
** Internal combustion engine-specific dynamic mesh classes such as two-stroke engine and various forms of 4-stroke and multi-valve dynamic mesh classes
** Finite Area Method providing support for FVM-like discretisation on a curved surface in 3-D, with examples of liquid film modelling
** Block-coupled matrix support, allowing fully implicit multi-equation solution of NxN equation sets, with full parallelisation support. First release of a block-AMG linear equation solver
** Fully implicit conjugate-coupled solution framework, allowing implicit solution fo multiple equations over multiple meshes, with parallelism
** Proper Orthogonal Decomposition data analysis tools, with applications to FOAM field classes
** Equation reader classes and tutorials ** Multi-solver solution framework, allowing mutiple field models to be solved in a coupled manner
** A major contribution is solid mechanics modelling, including linear and non-linear materials, contact, self-contact and friction, with updated Lagrangian or absolute Lagrangian formulation. Solution o damage models and ***** propagation in complex materials via topological changes
** CUDA solver release, provided in full source and as an example of coupling external linear equation solvers with FOAM
** Library-level support for Immersed Boundary Method and Overset Mesh
** Major improvements in accuracy and stability of FVM discretisation with options on convection and diffusion discretisation, deferred correction or explicit schemes
** Algebraic multigrid solver framerowk
** 190 tutorials with automated run scripts
** Automatic test harness
* New features in foam-extend-3.0
The list of features is a result of the work of numerous contributors. The maintainers of foam-extend would formally like to thank them all. Features listed below have are new with regard to OpenFOAM-1.6-ext. For a list of extension features in OpenFOAM-1.6-ext, please refer to file "ReleaseNotes-1.6-ext".
[Diese Nachricht wurde von ChristianE36 am 13. Jan. 2014 editiert.]