Hallo zusammen
ich verwende Inventor 2016 und habe hier eine iLogic für STP und IGS hinterlegt.
Das ausführen funktioniert soweit problemlos allerdings sind die STP und IGS Dateien leer.
Was ist falsch in meinem Code
STP Code:
' Get the STEP translator Add-In.
Dim oSTEPTranslator As TranslatorAddIn
oSTEPTranslator = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{90AF7F40-0C01-11D5-8E83-0010B541CD80}")
Dim oContext As TranslationContext
oContext = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateTranslationContext
Dim oOptions As NameValueMap
oOptions = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap
If oSTEPTranslator.HasSaveCopyAsOptions(ThisApplication.ActiveDocument, oContext, oOptions) Then
' Set application protocol.
' 2 = AP 203 - Configuration Controlled Design
' 3 = AP 214 - Automotive Design
oOptions.Value("ApplicationProtocolType") = 3
' Other options...
'oOptions.Value("Author") = ""
'oOptions.Value("Authorization") = ""
'oOptions.Value("Description") = ""
'oOptions.Value("Organization") = ""
oContext.Type = IOMechanismEnum.kFileBrowseIOMechanism
Dim oData As DataMedium
oData = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateDataMedium
oData.FileName = ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".stp"
oSTEPTranslator.SaveCopyAs(ThisApplication.ActiveDocument, oContext, oOptions, oData)
End If
IGS Code:
' Get the IGES translator Add-In.
Dim oIGESTranslator As TranslatorAddIn
oIGESTranslator = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{90AF7F44-0C01-11D5-8E83-0010B541CD80}")
Dim oContext As TranslationContext
oContext = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateTranslationContext
Dim oOptions As NameValueMap
oOptions = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap
If oIGESTranslator.HasSaveCopyAsOptions(ThisApplication.ActiveDocument, oContext, oOptions) Then
' Set geometry type for wireframe.
' 0 = Surfaces, 1 = Solids, 2 = Wireframe
oOptions.Value("GeometryType") = 1
' To set other translator values:
' oOptions.Value("SolidFaceType") = n
' 0 = NURBS, 1 = Analytic
' oOptions.Value("SurfaceType") = n
' 0 = 143(Bounded), 1 = 144(Trimmed)
oContext.Type = IOMechanismEnum.kFileBrowseIOMechanism
Dim oData As DataMedium
oData = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateDataMedium
oData.FileName = ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".igs"
oIGESTranslator.SaveCopyAs(ThisApplication.ActiveDocument, oContext, oOptions, oData)
End If
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