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Meet our People: Alexandra Schneller, Werkstudentin HR, eine Pressemitteilung
Autor Thema:  With greetings from... Invite to dialogue (976 mal gelesen)
tech. Ang.

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Beiträge: 31
Registriert: 04.06.2009


erstellt am: 04. Jun. 2009 22:23    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities

-> class with same function as e3.series dispatcher. No need to put it autostart, or to have it running all the time.

Since some time Zuken delivers a tool, which helps you in executing scripts, when multiple instances of e3.series are opened. The tool is called E3.dispatcher.
In my point of view, it has the big disadvantage, that is has to run all the time. Zuken suggest to put it into autostart. I personally dont like having to much things automatically started at system startup, and furthermore I cant see the need. It would be enough, just to get a object of the desired e3.series instance at the moment, when i need it. I tried around a little bit, and as a result, got a class which does the desired things for me:
-> Library; When called, shows a Messagebox, where you can select on which instance of e3.series you want to execute the script on. Does not exist in memory when not needed.

I am reading the ROT for this, and analysing the different monikers. When a selection is done it creates a binding and returns the e3series Application object, for your further use.

This was a test, and the result is just preliminary. Might not work on 64-Bit systems. Havent checked the ressource release in detail so far. Use it at your own rikt.

Feedback would be nice

See you

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tech. Ang.

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Beiträge: 31
Registriert: 04.06.2009

erstellt am: 12. Jun. 2009 10:58    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities


Prints sheets which belong to a specific Location/Assignment
Was requested in another forum.


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