Hier die Antwort von Autodesk dazu:
Can Users Be Deleted From The Vault?
A Frequently Asked Question is, is it possible to delete user accounts from the Vault. The answer is no. The reason is that Vault keeps historical data and user account information is attached to that data. If user accounts were to be allowed to be delted like they can be in Windows,
Fields such as "Author", "Checked By", "Current Owner", "Created By", "Checked Out By", "Engr Approved By" would be replaced by a randomly looking Security Identifier (SID). Not only is this unsightly, it would complicate the introduction of new features because "delete user account" special conditions would need to be addressed at the development and testing phase, ultimately slowing down the products evolution.
It would also slow down the process of bug fixing.
If a spelling mistake was made during the account creation, weighing up the benefits, the easiest solution all round is to simply disable the account
Lg, Daniel
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