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  Zeichnungsstandard R12-R14

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CATIA V5 Grundkurs | Einsteiger - 5 Std. 15 Min
KISTERS 3DViewStation WebViewer: Sichere 3D-Visualisierung - jederzeit und überall, eine Pressemitteilung
Autor Thema:  Zeichnungsstandard R12-R14 (978 mal gelesen)
Maschinenbauingenieur, Catia V5 Trainer, Systemadmin

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Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 08.02.2002

Version: Catia V5R14 SP6
Betriebssystem: WIN XP SP2

erstellt am: 11. Feb. 2005 10:50    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities

Hallo Kollegen,

Wie exportiert man vernuenftig die Zeichnungsstandards, die man in der alten Version erstellt hat (XML-Dateien) in neue Versionen.

Ich hab die Dateien der alten Version 12 z.B. einfach in die neue Version 14 kopiert. Das ist vermutlich aber nicht ganz korrekt, da in der R14 bestimmt einiges dazugekommen ist...


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CAD Beauftragter

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Beiträge: 152
Registriert: 20.03.2002

Catia V5-6R2012 - R2018 / HP-Z420

erstellt am: 15. Feb. 2005 13:28    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities Nur für catiaman 10 Unities + Antwort hilfreich

Auszug aus der Online Doku (14, en-pdf, S.67ff)
1. Operate as described below, depending on whether you are on Windows or on UNIX:
l On Windows: open an MS-DOS Window. Change to the folder in which you installed the product. The
default folder is C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B_XX\intel_a\code\bin where B_XX is B
followed by the release number (e.g. B12 in the case of V5R12).
l On UNIX: open a shell command window. Change to the directory in which you installed the product.
The default directory is /usr/DassaultSystemes/B_xx/OS_a/code/command/ where B_XX is B
followed by the release number (e.g. B12 in the case of V5R12) and where OS_a is:
- aix_a
- hpux_a
- irix_a
- solaris_a

2. Run the following command:
CATAnnDefaultStyleMigration [-h] DrawingName.CATDrawing [-X] [-d OutputDirectory]
[-n NewName] [-STDFile StandardFile]
l DrawingName.CATDrawing: Specifies the name of the drawing to migrate
l -h: Displays online help
l -d OutputDirectory: Indicates the directory where the new migrated drawing is saved. If not
specified, the new migrated drawing will be saved in the DrawingName.CATDrawing directory.
l -n NewName: Specifies the name of the migrated drawing. If not specified, the new migrated
drawing will use the same name as the old drawing prefixed by STD_. Example:
DrawingName.CATDrawing will become STD_DrawingName.CATDrawing.
l -X: Generates the XML file associated to the upgraded drawing. The XML file is put in the same
directory as the output drawing. Its name is composed of the standard name and the drawing name
with the .XML extension, e.g. ISO_DrawingName.XML.
l -STDFile StandardFile: Specifies the external standard file to use. This file can either be a
CATDrwStandard or an XML file. This step is mandatory for drawings created with versions up toV5 R8 (as they contain an embedded standard); this step is optional in other cases. If a file is
specified, the embedded standard will be ignored whatever the drawing version is.

3. Wait until a message indicates that the migration process is finished and that the new CATDrawing and XML
file have been generated.

Gruss CT_Thomas

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