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  bugfixes mit SP2 für Inv5.3

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Autor Thema:  bugfixes mit SP2 für Inv5.3 (464 mal gelesen)
Ehrenmitglied V.I.P. h.c.
MB Techniker, AE, WKZmacher

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Beiträge: 5552
Registriert: 16.05.2002

(fast) alles, was Autodesk im Mechanikbereich anbietet ;)

erstellt am: 28. Mai. 2002 12:37    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities

aus der Readme:

1. Assembly Modeling: (assemblies, presentations, adaptivity).
- Presentations show old part after replacing parts in assemblies.
- Replacing parts by renaming them on open causes a crash.
- Crash making sheetmetal parts with a base extrusion adaptive.
- File crash upon open – derived part assemblies.

2. APIProgrammier- und Anwendungsschnittstelle (Application Programming Interface):
- Input values for assembly constraints use incorrect unit.
- AddMateConstraint between workpoints or between workpoints and vertices fail.
- Document.SaveAs does not honor file extension.
- Locate using Ray returns zero points, should also return hit points.
- GetParamAtPoint reports more errors after update.
- Failure in getting surfaceBody of derived part in an assembly.
- Unable to set sheetmetal unfold style using the APIProgrammier- und Anwendungsschnittstelle (Application Programming Interface).
- ApprenticeServer fails in “serial” multi-thread.
- Missing FileAccessEvents in ApprSvr.
- Access violation with transaction and MDI.
- COUNT property of ApprenticeServerDocument.ReferencedFileDescriptors returns error.

3. Data Exchange: (Iges, Step, SAT, Dwgin, Dwgout & Mechanical Desktop translation)
- Missing faces in STEP files.
- Crash translating assembly files.
- Pro/E files will not translate into Inventor 5.3
- Exported dwg’s from idw’s loose plus-minus tolerances.
- No partrefs are created for parts with an underscore in their name for dwgout.
- Diameter dimensions are converted to radial dimensions when saved as dwg.
- Crash on edit text in imported dxf.
- Imported drawing is missing the envelope symbol in feature control frame (for JIS standard) in Inventor.
- Incorrect dimension value exporting an iso view from idw to dwg.
- Zero length dimensions are discarded when translating files from Mechanical Desktop.
- Dim Text flipped upon dwgout.
- Inventor hangs when opening AutoCAD file.
- Performance degradation during dwgin between Inventor 5 and Inventor 5.3.
- Some sketch dimensions (distance dimensions) are not translated correctly from Mechanical Desktop into Inventor.

4. Drawings: (Views, annotations, dims, sketches, standards & Design Assistant).
- Crash deleting a break from view.
- Runtime error in idw after editing a hole in the part.
- Crash editing view to a new reference margin.
- Unable to open migrated assembly idw file after deleting some parts.
- Loss of reference dimensions when idw is copied via Design Assistant.
- Crashes during Copy and paste of views.
- Crashes when hovering mouse over views going precise.
- Extra annotations appear in the drawing after migration.
- Annotations move to a different edge when a split face part is rebuilt.
- Sick annotations on silhouette edge when parts are manipulated in the assembly context.
- Annotations don’t stay attached to silhouette edge when the part is moved.
- Detail view cutter jumps off the sheet when attaching to a section view.
- Parts List doesn’t repaint after move & undo.
- Reference geometry sketches in drawings migrated incorrectly.
- Unresolved link error for an iPart not referenced.
- Crash when hovering over balloon after deleting unresolved assembly.
- Linear dimensions don’t warn of being unattached when sick.
- Sick annotations when part is updated after moving view to a new sheet.
- Crash when saving a drawing with a copy & pasted view containing a custom balloon.
- Datum identifiers print incorrectly for GB standard.
- Crash when removing custom row from parts list after reordering it.
- Centerlines don’t stay attached to silhouette edges after updating part.
- Crash when using a drawing with assembly view & parts list as a template.
- Dimensions on silhouette edges become zero after saving drawing and updating the part.
- Views do not go precise until machine is rebooted after SP1 install.
- Tolerances don’t update with dimensions.
- Dimensions on centerline bisectors going away.
- Drawing view rotates after migration.
- Dimension on silhouette edge becomes detached if model size is changed.
- Different migration problems with opening files from Inventor 5 to Inventor 5.3 as well as from Inventor 5.3 to Inventor 5.3/SP1.
- Crash when activating drawing after adding components to the assembly.
- Crashes during placing surface finish symbols.
- Crash opening drawing after copying assembly and drawing with Design Assistant.
- Heap error opening drawing containing ref components.
- View’s component visibility changes upon migration.
- Tolerances lost when changing dimension styles.
- Annotations get sick when sheet with section view is copied and pasted.
- Shifted feature control frames in migrated drawings.
- Annotations attach to the wrong silhouette edges.
- Improved behavior with assemblies and drawings copied using Design Assistant.

5. Part Modeling: (features, sheet metal, graphics).
- Crash using texture where texture image is RLE.
- Various crashes editing sketch and/or rebuilding all features.
- Incorrect reference to excel files when migrating files to Inventor 5.3.
- Geometry based on iFeature is not respected by Flat Pattern.
- Invalid sketch constraints after model update.
- Unable to create a workplane tangent to a conic.
- Quick exit when assigning a non-existent drive to the projects folder.
- Crash in closing Inventor after undo with sheetmetal part.
- iPart sheetmetal fails to flatten.
- Failed to write iPart table when creating iPart factory.
- Class not registered error when editing iPart created in Inventor 5.
- Unfold length is incorrect for an intermediate angular value.
- Flat pattern export to Dxf/Dwg creates needless points.
- Partial face threads are drawn more often than necessary.
- File properties don’t update sheetmetal styles.
- Flat pattern of sheetmetal part with holes displays the holes as circles.

6. Other: (migration utility, install issues).
- Loss of reference dimensions during migration.
- Inventor 5 & 5.3 side-by-side installs prevents migration utility from running when one of the Inventor versions is uninstalled.
- Drawing crashes during open after part has been migrated into Inventor 5.3/SP1.
- Some fixes for corrupt part files.
- Leaders move in the drawing when migrating inventor assembly to Inventor 5.3.
- Need to close and reopen VVE to see modifications to an assembly.
- PLU – No option to export a license if only Inventor 5.3 is installed from the Autodesk Inventor Series.

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