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  Action May Be Required Prior to Installing CATIA V5R18 on WinXP Workstations

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Autor Thema:  Action May Be Required Prior to Installing CATIA V5R18 on WinXP Workstations (2922 mal gelesen)
Ehrenmitglied V.I.P. h.c.
Selbstständig im Bereich PLM/CAx

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Beiträge: 4107
Registriert: 12.03.2001

Früher war vieles gut, und das wäre es heute immer noch, wenn man die Finger davon gelassen hätte!

erstellt am: 11. Okt. 2007 15:23    Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag!  <-- editieren / zitieren -->   Antwort mit Zitat in Fett Antwort mit kursivem Zitat    Unities abgeben: 1 Unity (wenig hilfreich, aber dennoch)2 Unities3 Unities4 Unities5 Unities6 Unities7 Unities8 Unities9 Unities10 Unities

Vielleicht ist folgende Mitteilung noch für manche unter Euch wichtig:

Action May Be Required Prior to Installing CATIA V5R18 on WinXP Workstations Prior to installing CATIA V5R18 on a workstation running Windows XP Professional Edition SP2, ensure that Microsoft Patch KB926255 is installed.
Workstations running Windows XP Professional x64 Edition will not require this patch.

If the required patch is not installed, the machine will either reboot or experience a "blue screen" part way through the install, thus making it impossible to install the CATIA V5R18 Code. If an attempt to install the CATIA code without the patch occurs, an uninstall of the CATIA code will also not be possible until some registry edits are performed.

To determine if this patch is already installed, open a DOS prompt and issue
and then
  dir *KB926255*

If this returns an entry, then the patch has been installed. If not, this patch can be installed from the following Microsoft link:

Once this patch is installed, you should not experience this CATIA V5R18 install problem. 

This patch requirement is documented in the CATIA V5R18 Program Directory, under CATIA Software Requirements and is specified as:

MS06-075 : Vulnerability in Windows could allow elevation of privilege:   

Note: The details of this problem are documented here:


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