/COM,ANSYS RELEASE 15.0 UP20131014 10:32:28 02/19/2015 *** WARNING *** CP = 1.139 TIME= 10:32:30 The /BATCH command must be the first line of input. The /BATCH command is ignored. *** WARNING *** CP = 153.037 TIME= 10:32:44 KEYOPT(2) > 1 may only be used if KEYOPT(4) > 0 for CONTA174. KEYOPT(4) = 2 is set. *** WARNING *** CP = 296.386 TIME= 10:32:52 Element shape checking is currently inactive. Issue SHPP,ON or SHPP,WARN to reactivate, if desired. *** WARNING *** CP = 304.951 TIME= 10:32:54 SOLID186 wedges are recommended only in regions of relatively low stress gradients. *** WARNING *** CP = 315.621 TIME= 10:32:56 Material number 895 (used by element 934552 ) should normally have at least one MP or one TB type command associated with it. Output of energy by material may not be available. *** WARNING *** CP = 816.852 TIME= 10:35:23 Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results. *** WARNING *** CP = 1177.496 TIME= 10:41:11 Pivoting has been activated for the Sparse Matrix solver. The memory required may greatly exceed the predicted amount. In that event, use the BCSOPTION command to change the memory mode and/or memory size used by the Sparse Matrix solver. *** ERROR *** CP = 763771.812 TIME= 08:16:56 The run is terminated at the user's request from the ABT file. *** WARNING *** CP = 763771.875 TIME= 08:16:56 The unconverged solution (identified as time 1 substep 999999) is output for analysis debug purposes. Results should not be used for any other purpose.