Anmeldename: %<\AcVar Login>% Pfad: %<\AcVar Filename \f "%fn1">% Dateinamen: %<\AcVar Filename \f "%fn6">% Pfad und Dateiname: %<\AcVar Filename \f "%fn7">% Plotdatum: %<\AcVar PlotDate \f "dd.MM.yyyy">% Plotdatum und Zeit: %<\AcVar PlotDate \f "dd.MM.yyyy - HH:mm">% Datum: %<\AcVar Date \f "dd.MM.yyyy">% Datum: %<\AcVar Date \f "dd.MM.yy">% %<\AcVar SaveDate \f "dd.MM.yyyy h:mm tt">% %<\AcVar PlotDate \f "%#c">% * %<\AcVar osmode \f "%X">% - displays OSMODE value as hex code * %<\AcDiesel test$(/,5,2) bbb \f "%tc4">% - displays DIESEL string expression with uppercase initials * %<\AcObjProp Object(%<\_ObjId 2130116872>%).Length \f "%ds33">% - uses "!" as decimal separator in object length (ASCII code 33) * %<\AcObjProp Object(%<\_ObjId 2130100448>%).Area \f "%.3f">% - displays object area to 3 decimal places (independently on LUPREC setting) * %<\AcObjProp Object(%<\_ObjId 2130042784>%).Area \f "%lu2%ct4%qf1%PR0 sq.ft.">% - displays object area in sq.ft. rounded (to 0 decimal places) * %<\AcObjProp Object(%<\_ObjId 2130112520>%).CustomScale \f "1\"=%lu2%ct1%qf28161'">% - displays viewport scale in the 1"=20' format * %<\AcDiesel $(upper,$(edtime, $(getvar, tdcreate),DD. MONTH YYYY))>% - displays drawing creation date in uppercase ("16. APRIL 2004") * %<\AcObjProp Object(%<\_ObjId 2130022304>%).Coordinates \f "%pt2">% - displays Y-coordinate of the selected POINT object FILEINFO: File: %<\AcVar Filename \f "%tc3%fn7">% Size: %<\AcVar Filesize \f "%.2f%by2">% kb Plotted By: %<\AcVar Login \f "%tc3">% Plot Date: %<\AcVar PlotDate \f "%x">% Plot Scale: %<\AcVar PlotScale \f "1:%lu2%ct1%qf2816">% Page Set-up: %<\AcVar PageSetupName \f "%tc3">%