d:\users\abaqus60\relA\generated\SMAI2sInp2Sim\SMAI2sInp\impl\inp_Parser.C.185 : Parse - File: std_inst.inp Elapsed time: 0.000371608 Decryption time: 0. CPU time: 0. Processing time = 0 second(s). Abaqus JOB std_inst Abaqus 6.10-EF1 DriverLM executable: C:\Program Files\Abaqus\6.10-EF1\exec\eliT_DriverLM.exe -job std_inst -indir C:\Program Files\Abaqus\6.10-EF1\installation_info\verify -standard -academic RESEARCH -verbose -tmpdir C:\Users\SniPa\AppData\Local\Temp\SniPa_std_inst_3216 -lmlog Checkout succeeded: standard/F6631E6C2904 License file: @ License Server: @ DriverLM status: 0 Begin Analysis Input File Processor 25-Jun-11 21:35:39 Run pre.exe Command: C:\Program Files\Abaqus\6.10-EF1\exec\pre.exe -standard -academic RESEARCH -messaging_mechanism DIRECT -job std_inst -indir C:\Program Files\Abaqus\6.10-EF1\installation_info\verify -outdir C:\Program Files\Abaqus\6.10-EF1\installation_info\verify -tmpdir C:\Users\SniPa\AppData\Local\Temp\SniPa_std_inst_3216 -memory 67 -memory_parameter AUTOMATIC -sim C:\Program Files\Abaqus\6.10-EF1\installation_info\verify\std_inst.sim -input std_inst -convert_sdi -dmp_solver -std_parallel -port 48000 -timeout 36000 Checkout succeeded: standard/F6631E6C2904 License file: @ License Server: @ Abaqus License Manager checked out the following licenses: Abaqus/Standard checked out 5 tokens. <55 out of 60 licenses remain available>. SMASimASSERT failed: (*endptr == 0 || is_space(*endptr)) && "Invalid floating point value" d:\users\abaqus60\relA\generated\SMASglSimGenericLayer\SMASglXml2Bin\impl\SMASgl2SimConvertTools.C ( 69 ) Put Stop in SMASimAssert::ReportAssertionFailure to find occurrence Unexpected error 193 SMASimASSERT failed: !m_Parser d:\users\abaqus60\relA\generated\SMASglSimGenericLayer\SMASglXml2Bin\impl\SMASglSimModelBuilderRepr.C ( 68 ) Put Stop in SMASimAssert::ReportAssertionFailure to find occurrence 25-Jun-11 21:35:41 Phase Analysis Input File Processor status -1073741819 File C:\Program Files\Abaqus\6.10-EF1\installation_info\verify\std_inst.cid removed sucessfully. Abaqus Error: The executable C:\Program Files\Abaqus\6.10-EF1\exec\pre.exe aborted with system error code 5. Please check the .dat, .msg, and .sta files for error messages if the files exist. If there are no error messages and you cannot resolve the problem, please run the command "abaqus job=support information=support" to report and save your system information. Use the same command to run Abaqus that you used when the problem occurred. Please contact your local Abaqus support office and send them the input file, the file support.log which you just created, the executable name, and the error code. Exception: (, AbaqusExecutionAbort('C:\\Program Files\\Abaqus\\6.10-EF1\\exec\\pre.exe', 1073741819), ) Traceback (most recent call last): File "Pythonia/driver/driverAnalysis.py", line 181, in run File "Pythonia/driver/driverStandard.py", line 82, in analyze File "Pythonia/driver/driverStandard.py", line 166, in runPre File "Pythonia/driver/driverPhase.py", line 333, in run File "Pythonia/driver/driverPhase.py", line 324, in _run AbaqusExecutionAbort: ('C:\\Program Files\\Abaqus\\6.10-EF1\\exec\\pre.exe', 1073741819) Abaqus/Analysis exited with errors