@echo off REM This Script contains an exhaustive list of environment variables needed to start BMW CARISMA CAD PDM Version. REM Before starting with this application please configure evironment variables listed under REM editable section (ear marked with BEGIN EDITABLE SECTION and END EDITABLE SECTION) REM The rest of the file should not be manually edited. REM - @@@@@@@ BEGIN EDITABLE SECTION @@@@@@@@@@ REM ************************************* REM BMW_ZULIEF_ROOT is a local mandatory variable that points to the location where CARISMA Supplier distribution files are extracted to. REM This folder should contain the OS specific root directory viz., intel_a or win_b64 REM Ex: C:\R19\CARISMA REM ************************************ set BMW_ZULIEF_ROOT=C:\EC-Apps\CARISMA REM ************************************* REM CATIAPath is a local mandatory variable and should point to a location where CATIA V5 is installed. REM Ex: SET CATIAPath=C:\Programme\DassaultSystemes\B19\intel_a REM ************************************ set CATIAPath=C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B24 REM ************************************* REM BMW_CAA_TRACELEVEL should contain a number between 0 and 5. REM Ex: set BMW_CAA_TRACELEVEL=4 REM The intrepetation of the numbers are as follows REM 0 - Tracing switched off completely. REM 1 - Only errors traced. REM 2 - Warnings and errors traced. REM 3 - Infos, warnings and errors traced. REM 4 - Tracing completely switched on. REM 5 - Additional debug info also be traced. REM If this variable is not set then no trace files will be generated. REM ************************************ set BMW_CAA_TRACELEVEL=4 REM ************************************* REM BMW_CAA_TRACEPATH should point to a directory where CARISMA can generate trace files. REM Ex: set BMW_CAA_TRACEPATH=C:\temp REM If this variable is not set then no trace files will be generated. REM ************************************ set BMW_CAA_TRACEPATH=C:\Temp REM ************************************* REM BMW_MATERIAL_CATALOG_PATH should point to a location where a CATMaterial document is present. REM Ex: SET BMW_MATERIAL_CATALOG_PATH=C:\CatMatLib\BMW_MaterialCatalog.CATMaterial REM This information will be used at the following two locations to display materials in CARISMA Org Data Manager Weight and Material tab page. REM 1. Activating button "Display Materials" REM 2. Activating button "Add Material" REM ************************************ set BMW_MATERIAL_CATALOG_PATH=C:\CatMatLib\BMW_MaterialCatalog.CATMaterial REM ************************************* REM BMW_CARISMA_TRAINING_DOCS should point to a location (URL) where online training documents are located. REM SET BMW_CARISMA_TRAINING_DOCS=https://b2b.bmwgroup.net/ REM ************************************ set BMW_CARISMA_TRAINING_DOCS=https://b2b.bmw.com/ REM @@@@@@@ END EDITABLE SECTION @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ REM ************************************* REM CARISMAPath is a local mandatory variable built up using other local variable. REM !!WARNING!! - This variable is appropriately configured and not to be edited. REM ************************************ set CARISMAPath=%BMW_ZULIEF_ROOT%\win_b64