TIMEOUT TIMEOUT feature[:keyword=value] seconds Sets the time after which an inactive license is freed and reclaimed by the vendor daemon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note The vendor must have enabled this feature in the FLEXenabled application for it to work. Contact your software vendor to find out if this feature is implemented. The vendor must have enabled this feature in the FLEXenabled application for it to work. Contact your software vendor to find out if this feature is implemented. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature Name of the feature. keyword=value Feature name modifier to denote a group of licenses. See "Feature Specification" for details. seconds Number of seconds after which inactive license is reclaimed. The vendor sets a minimum value.If you specify a value for seconds that is smaller than the vendor's minimum, the minimum is used. To set the timeout for feature "f1" to one hour (3600 seconds): TIMEOUT f1 3600 TIMEOUT checks in the licenses if the FLEXenabled application has been inactive for a period longer than the specified time period. The daemon declares a process inactive when it has not received heartbeats from it; whereas, an active FLEXenabled application sends heartbeats. A TIMEOUT line must be present in the options file in order to take advantage of the vendor-enabled timeout feature. TIMEOUTALL TIMEOUTALL seconds Same as TIMEOUT, but applies to all features. How the Vendor Daemon Uses the Options File When the vendor daemon is started by lmgrd, the vendor daemon reads its options file. There is only one options file per vendor daemon and each vendor daemon needs its own options file. For any changes in an options file to take effect, the vendor daemon must read its options file. The lmreread utility causes the vendor daemon to reread its options file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLEXnet Licensing Version Notes The lmreread utility enhanced in v8.0 vendor daemon so that it causes the vendor daemon to reread the options file. If you are using earlier versions, the vendor daemon must be stopped and restarted in order for the options file to be reread. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules of Precedence in Options Files Rules of precedence take effect when INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements are combined in the same options file and control access to the same features. The following define the precedence when both types of statements appear together: If there is only an EXCLUDE list, everyone who is not on the list is allowed to use the feature. If there is only an INCLUDE list, only those users on the list is allowed to use the feature. If neither list exists, everyone is allowed to use the feature. The EXCLUDE list is checked before the INCLUDE list; someone who is on both lists is not allowed to use the feature. Once you create an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE list, everyone else is implicitly outside the group. This feature allows you, as an administrator, the ability to control licenses without having to explicitly list each user that you wish to allow or deny access to. In other words, there are two approaches; you either: Give most users access and list only the exceptions, or Severely limit access and list only the those users that have access privileges Options File Examples The following information gives some examples of options files intended to illustrate ways to effectively control access to your licenses. Simple Options File Example RESERVE 1 compile USER robert RESERVE 3 compile HOST mainline EXCLUDE compile USER lori NOLOG QUEUED This options file: Reserves one license for the feature "compile" for the user "robert." Reserves three licenses for the feature "compile" for anyone on the system with the host name "mainline." Prevents the user "lori" from using the "compile" feature on any machine on the network. Causes QUEUED messages to be omitted from the debug log file. The sum total of the licenses reserved must be less than or equal to the number of licenses specified in the FEATURE line. In the example above, there must be a minimum of four licenses on the "compile" FEATURE line. If fewer licenses are available, only the first set of reservations (up to the license limit) is used. If this data were in file /a/b/sampled/licenses/sampled.opt, then modify the license file VENDOR line as follows: VENDOR sampled /etc/sampled /sample_app/sampled/licenses/sampled.opt