!Transient Earthquake Analysis of a gravity dam !dimensions and shape are not realistic FINISH /CLEAR, NOSTART /FILNAME,TransientAnalysisEarthquake !material properties, gravity dam ex1 = 24 e9 !N/m² dens1 = 2550 !kg/m³ prxy1 = 0.19 h = 1 !m b = 0.2 !m t = 0.2 !m !material properties, granite foundation ex2 = 20 e9 !N/m² dens2 = 0 !2700 !kg/m³ prxy2 = 0.1 !parameters for calculation [seconds] TM_START = 0.001 !starting time of calculations TM_END = 0.1 !end of calculations TM_INCR = 0.01 !time increment /PREP7 !element type ET,1,solid185 !material 1: concrete (gravity dam) mp,ex,1,ex1 mp,dens,1,dens1 mp,prxy,1,prxy1 !material 2: foundation (granite) mp,ex,2,ex2 mp,dens,2,dens2 mp,prxy,2,prxy2 !keypoints for gravity dam k,1,0,0 k,2,b,0 k,3,b,h k,4,0,h ! 2-dimensional dam area >> 3-dimensional dam body a,1,2,3,4 VOFFST,1,t !keypoints for foundation k,11,-1,0 k,12,-1,-1 k,13,1,-1 k,14,1,0 ! 2-dimensional foundation area >> 3-dimensional a,11,12,13,14,2,1 VOFFST,7,t !merge coincident keypoints, areas,.. NUMMRG,ALL,0.01, , ,LOW !1 element in z-direction LESIZE,9, , ,1, , , , ,0 LESIZE,10, , ,1, , , , ,0 LESIZE,11, , ,1, , , , ,0 LESIZE,12, , ,1, , , , ,0 LESIZE,24, , ,1, , , , ,0 LESIZE,25, , ,1, , , , ,0 LESIZE,26, , ,1, , , , ,0 LESIZE,27, , ,1, , , , ,0 !meshing the dam type,1 mat,1 VSWEEP,1 !meshing the foundation type,1 mat,2 VSWEEP,2 FINISH /SOLU ANTYPE,TRANS TRNOPT,FULL !displacement of foundation !version 1: zero displacement at nodes !node-set left border NSEL,s,loc,x,-1 D,all,all,0 NSEL,all !node-set right border NSEL,s,loc,x,1 D,all,all,0 NSEL,all !node-set lower border NSEL,s,loc,y,-1 D,all,all,0 NSEL,all !version 2: zero displacement for areas ! DA,9,ALL,0 !left border ! DA,11,ALL,0 !right border ! DA,10,ALL,0 !lower border !tabular for acceleration time history !10 rows,2 columns, !primary variable: time *DIM,TAB1,table,10,1,1,TIME *TREAD,TAB1,AccelerationTimeHistory,txt !node-set for horizontal acceleration: left and right border of foundation NSEL,S,LOC,X,-1 NSEL,A,LOC,X,1 !loop for acceleration time history input from table *DO,TM,TM_START,TM_END,TM_INCR TIME,TM D,all,accx,%TAB1% SOLVE *ENDDO ALLSEL FINISH