# Creo Elements/Direct /Interface for MI to SVG/DWG/DXF (TM*) # * DXF and DWG are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. # # MI <==> DWG/DXF/SVG configuration file # # Each line which specifies a unique parameter has the format # # COMMAND OPTION [# comments] # # You may change comments and values # Blank lines are ignored # General Translator Parameters SourceDirPath ./ DestinDirPath ./ FontFilesPath ./ KanjiTranslate OFF EnableLegacyEncoding OFF # DXF/DWG to MI Translation Switches StartSection DXF to MI Translator PolymarkerType 2 TranslateDXFPenLineSize 1 TranslateInvisibleLayers OFF CustomUnits OFF Units mm UnitsScale 1.0 ContourSnapGap 1E-12 HatchCloseContours ON HatchToContours OFF CreateManualHatch OFF ExplodeDXFDimensions OFF RecomputeDimBlock OFF KeepAttributesWithPart OFF RecordByLayerInfo OFF SplineControlPointTranslation OFF TranslateDXFInvisibleEntities OFF ReadAllLayoutData OFF TranslatePaperspace OFF LayoutName # data for translation from MI to DXF/DWG/SVG TranslateSubfixDimProp ON TranslateSuperfixDimProp ON KeepTopScale ON TranslateMIPenLineSize 3 OutputACADVersion AC1018 ConvertMIDimensionsToGeometry OFF CreateSplineFitPoints ON HighSplinePrecision OFF TranslateMIInvisibleEntities ON SVGDarkBackground ON LineTypeGlobalScale 1.0 MinimumHatchSpacingDensity 0.0 DXFDecimalPrecision 14 TranslatePictureAs OFF #font mappings # "width ratio" means MI to ACAD font width ratio (in both directions) # "autocad font file name" "OSDD 1byte font name" "OSDD 2byte font name" "width ratio" "line spacing" "vertical line spacing" FontMapACADtoMI "txt.shx" "osd_default" "osd_default" 0.90 1.666 1.3333 FontMapACADtoMI "simplex.shx" "osd_default3" "osd_default3" 0.95 1.666 1.3333 FontMapACADtoMI "complex.shx" "hp_block_v" "hp_kanj2_c" 0.95 1.666 1.3333 FontMapACADtoMI "italic.shx" "hp_jasc_v" "hp_kanj2_c" 1.15 1.666 1.3333 FontMapACADtoMI "TIMES.TTF" "times_new_roman" "hp_kanj2_c" 1.03 1.666 1.3333 FontMapACADtoMI "tahoma.ttf" "tahoma" "hp_kanj2_c" 1.25 1.666 1.3333 FontMapACADtoMI "ARIAL.TTF" "arial" "hp_kanj2_c" 1.2 1.666 1.3333 FontMapACADtoMI "ARIALUNI.TTF" "arial_unicode_ms" "arial_unicode_ms" 1.2 1.666 1.3333 FontMapACADtoMI "ARIALBD.TTF" "arial" "osd_default" 1.2 1.666 1.3333 FontMapACADtoMI "COUR.TTF" "courier_new" "hp_kanj2_c" 0.75 1.666 1.3333 # Followed lines should be uncommented, if AutoCAD is installed on the system, where the translated drawing will be viewed. # FontMapACADtoMI "isocp.shx" "isocp" "hp_kanj2_c" 0.77 1.666 1.3333 # FontMapACADtoMI "isocp___.ttf" "isocp" "hp_kanj2_c" 0.77 1.666 1.3333 # "OSDD 1byte font name" "autocad font file name" "width ratio" "magic string" magicNumber "line spacing" FontMapMItoACAD "osd_default" "txt.shx" 0.90 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "osd_default2" "txt.shx" 1.07 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "osd_default3" "simplex.shx" 0.95 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "hp_i3098_v" "txt.shx" 0.90 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "hp_i3098_c" "txt.shx" 1.07 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "hp_d17_v" "simplex.shx" 0.95 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "hp_d17_c" "simplex.shx" 1.24 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "hp_block_v" "complex.shx" 0.95 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "hp_block_c" "complex.shx" 1.39 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "hp_jasc_v" "italic.shx" 1.15 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "hp_jasc_c" "italic.shx" 1.24 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "times_new_roman" "TIMES.TTF" 1.03 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "tahoma" "tahoma.ttf" 1.25 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "arial" "ARIAL.TTF" 1.2 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "arial_unicode_ms" "ARIALUNI.TTF" 1.2 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "courier_new" "COUR.TTF" 0.75 "" 0 1.666 FontMapMItoACAD "isocp" "isocp___.ttf" 0.77 "" 0 1.666 # "OSDD 2byte font name" "autocad font file name" "width ratio" "magic string" magicNumber "line spacing" "big font name" FontMapMI2toACAD "hp_kanji_c" "msmincho.ttc" 0.89 "MS Mincho" 32785 1.666 "" FontMapMI2toACAD "hp_kanj2_c" "msmincho.ttc" 0.89 "MS Mincho" 32785 1.666 "" #Uncomment following two lines and comment previous two lines, when mapping 2-byte OSDD fonts into AutoCAD bigfonts. #FontMapMI2toACAD "hp_kanji_c" "txt.shx" 0.89 "" 0 1.666 "bigfont.shx" #FontMapMI2toACAD "hp_kanj2_c" "txt.shx" 0.89 "" 0 1.666 "bigfont.shx" # linetype mappings # "autocad linetype name" "OSDD linetype name" LinetypeMapACADtoMI "CONTINUOUS" Solid LinetypeMapACADtoMI "DASHED" Dashed LinetypeMapACADtoMI "DOTTED" Dotted LinetypeMapACADtoMI "DOT_CENTER" DotCenter LinetypeMapACADtoMI "LONG_DASHED" LongDashed LinetypeMapACADtoMI "DASH_CENTER" DashCenter LinetypeMapACADtoMI "PHANTOM" Phantom LinetypeMapACADtoMI "CENTER_DASH_DASH" CenterDashDash # "autocad arrow" "OSDD arrow" "arrow scale" "arrow fill" ArrowMapACADtoMI "_NONE" NoArrow 1 ON #None ArrowMapACADtoMI "_CLOSED" Arrow 1 OFF #Closed ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DOT" Dot 1 ON #Dot ArrowMapACADtoMI " " Arrow 1 ON #Closed Filled ArrowMapACADtoMI "_CLOSEDBLANK" Arrow 1 OFF #Closed Blank ArrowMapACADtoMI "_OBLIQUE" Slash 1 OFF #Oblique ArrowMapACADtoMI "_ARCHTICK" Slash 1 OFF #Architectural Tick ArrowMapACADtoMI "_OPEN" Jis 1 ON #Open ArrowMapACADtoMI "_ORIGIN" Dot 1 OFF #Origin Indication ArrowMapACADtoMI "_OPEN90" Jis 1 ON #Right-Angle ArrowMapACADtoMI "_OPEN30" Jis 1 OFF #Open 30 ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DOTBLANK" Dot 1 OFF #Dot Blanked ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DOTSMALL" Dot 0.5 ON #Dot Small ArrowMapACADtoMI "_BOXFILLED" Arrow 1 ON #Box Filled ArrowMapACADtoMI "_BOXBLANK" Arrow 1 OFF #Box ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DATUMFILLED" Triangle 1 ON #Datum Triangle Filled ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DATUMBLANK" Triangle 1 OFF #Datum Triangle ArrowMapACADtoMI "_INTEGRAL" Slash 1 ON #Integral # "OSDD arrow" "mi arrow fill" "autocad arrow" "arrow scale" ArrowMapMItoACAD NoArrow ON "_NONE" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD NoArrow OFF "_NONE" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Arrow ON " " 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Arrow OFF "_CLOSED" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Dot ON "_DOT" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Dot OFF "_ORIGIN" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Triangle ON "_DATUMFILLED" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Triangle OFF "_DATUMBLANK" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Jis ON "_OPEN30" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Jis OFF "_OPEN30" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Slash ON "_OBLIQUE" 1 ArrowMapMItoACAD Slash OFF "_OBLIQUE" 1