/PREP7 FINISH /SOLU ANTYPE,STATIC ! Static analysis NLGEOM,ON ! Large deflection analysis PSTRES,ON ! Flag to calculate the prestress matrix SOLVE FINISH ! ! Prestressed modal analysis ! /SOLU ANTYPE,MODAL ! Modal analysis nmodes = 3 ! Anzahl der Moden, die angezeigt werden sollen UPCOORD,1.0,ON ! Display mode shapes relative to deformed geometry ! in the postprocessor. PSTRES,ON ! Prestress effects ON MODOPT,lanb,nmodes ! Select eigensolver MXPAND,nmodes,3 ! Specify the number of modes to expand, if desired. PSOLVE,EIGLANB ! Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. ! Use EIGLANB or EIGFULL to match MODOPT command. EXPASS,ON PSOLVE,EIGEXP ! Expand the eigenvector solution. (Required if you ! want to review mode shapes in the postprocessor.) FINISH /solu