;;; PLAETTEN.LSP ;;; Programm zum Ändern aller Z-Koordinatenwerte auf WKS 0 ;;; Version 10 vom Oktober 2006 ;;; Programmiert von CADwiesel ;;; www.cadwiesel.de (prompt "\nProgramm zum Verändern aller Z-Koordinaten auf 0.\nAufruf des Programms mit: \"PLAETTEN\" !" ) ;_ end of prompt (princ) (defun C:PLAETTEN (/ M:SS1 M:SS1LEN i M:NUMCHG M:ENAME M:ELIST M:ETYPE M:TXT M:WRT M:TEMP_LAENGE M:TEMP_LISTE M:ROTOR M:LINE M:TEXT M:MTEXT M:MD_ERR M:CIRCLE M:ARC M:POINT M:FEHLER M:SHAPE M:ELLIPSE M:DIM M:MLINE M:LWPOLYLINE M:POLYLINE M:LEADER M:HATCH M:INSERT M:INBLK M:BEARB_LIST M:XLINE M:SPLINE M:TRACE M:SOLID M:IMAGE M:BTAB M:BLK M:INDEX M:BLK-VOR M:HAS_ATTS ) ;_ end of / (defun M:FEHLER (MSG) (command "_.UNDO" "_BACK") (setq *ERROR* M:MD_ERR) (princ (cdr (assoc 5 M:Zelist)) (strcat "Fehler! AutoCAD meldet: \"" MSG "\" als Ursache.") ) ;_ end of princ (princ) ) ;_ end of defun (defun M:INSERTBEARB (M:ELIST / M:BTAB M:BLK M:ETYPE M:BLK-VOR) (setq M:NUMCHG (1+ M:NUMCHG) M:INSERT (1+ M:INSERT) M:BTAB (tblsearch "BLOCK" (cdr (assoc 2 M:ELIST))) M:INDEX 0 M:BLK (cdr (assoc -2 M:BTAB)) M:BLK-VOR (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 M:ELIST)) "INSERT") (cdr (assoc -1 M:ELIST)) ) ;_ end of if ) ;setq (if (= (cdr (assoc 66 M:ELIST)) 1) (setq M:HAS_ATTS 'T) ) ;_ end of if (setq M:BLK-VOR (cdr (assoc -1 (zeroz 10 (entget M:BLK-VOR))))) (while M:BLK (cond (M:ROTOR (setq M:ROTOR NIL) (princ "\r \\ ")) (t (setq M:ROTOR (princ "\r / "))) ) ;_ end of cond (setq M:ELIST (entget M:BLK) M:ETYPE (cdr (assoc 0 M:ELIST)) ) ;_ end of setq (cond ((= M:ETYPE "INSERT") (setq M:ELIST (zeroz 10 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (M:INSERTBEARB M:ELIST) ) ;_ end of setq ) ((member M:ETYPE '("ATTDEF" "ATTRIB" "LINE" "XLINE" "TEXT" "CIRCLE" "ARC" "POINT" "SHAPE" "ELLIPSE" "MTEXT" ) ) ;_ end of member (setq M:ELIST (bzeroz 10 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:INBLK (1+ M:INBLK) ) ;setq ;(entmod M:BLK-VOR) ) ((member M:ETYPE '("DIMENSION" "IMAGE")) (setq M:ELIST (bzeroz 10 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (bzeroz 11 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (bzeroz 12 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (bzeroz 13 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (bzeroz 14 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:INBLK (1+ M:INBLK) ) ;setq ) ((member M:ETYPE '("MLINE" "SPLINE" "3DFACE" "TRACE" "SOLID") ) ;_ end of member (setq M:ELIST (blw_list 10 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (blw_list 11 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (blw_list 12 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (blw_list 13 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:INBLK (1+ M:INBLK) ) ;setq ) ((= M:ETYPE "POLYLINE") (setq M:ELIST (bpl_list 10 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:INBLK (1+ M:INBLK) ) ;setq ) ((member M:ETYPE '("LWPOLYLINE" "LEADER" "HATCH") ) ;_ end of member (setq M:ELIST (blw_list 10 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:INBLK (1+ M:INBLK) ) ;setq ) ) ;ende cond (if (or (= M:ETYPE "LINE") (= M:ETYPE "XLINE") (= M:ETYPE "ATTDEF") (= M:ETYPE "TEXT") ) ;_ end of or (setq M:ELIST (bzeroz 11 M:ELIST M:BLK-VOR)) ) ;if (if M:ELIST (entmod M:ELIST) ) ;_ end of if (entupd M:BLK-VOR) (if M:BLK (setq M:BLK (entnext M:BLK) M:ETYPE nil ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of while ) ;_ end of defun (defun zeroz (M:KEY M:ZELIST / M:OPLIST M:NPLIST tt M:GC38 M:GC39) (setq M:OPLIST (assoc M:KEY M:ZELIST) M:NPLIST (cons M:KEY (if (null (setq tt (trans (cdr (reverse (append '(0.0) (cdr (reverse M:OPLIST))) ) ;_ end of reverse ) ;_ end of cdr (cdr (assoc -1 M:ELIST)) 0 T ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of null (if (null (setq tt (trans (cdr (reverse (append '(0.0) (cdr (reverse M:OPLIST))) ) ;_ end of reverse ) ;_ end of cdr (cdr (assoc -1 M:ELIST)) 0 1 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of null (setq tt (cdr (reverse (append '(0.0) (cdr (reverse M:OPLIST))) ) ;_ end of reverse ) ;_ end of cdr ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of if (if (/= (nth 2 tt) '(0.0 0.0 0.0)) (setq tt (reverse (append '(0.0) (cdr (reverse tt)))) ) ;_ end of setq tt ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of cons M:ZELIST (subst M:NPLIST M:OPLIST M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST (subst (cons 210 '(0.0 0.0 1.0)) (assoc 210 M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST ) ;_ end of subst ;;; M:GC38 (if (not (null (assoc 38 M:ZELIST))) ;;; (setq M:ZELIST (subst (cons 38 0.0) ;;; (assoc 38 M:ZELIST) ;;; M:ZELIST ;;; ) ;_ end of subst ;;; ) ;_ end of setq ;;; ) ;_ end of if ;;; M:GC39 (if (not (null (assoc 39 M:ZELIST))) ;;; (setq M:ZELIST (subst (cons 39 0.0) ;;; (assoc 39 M:ZELIST) ;;; M:ZELIST ;;; ) ;_ end of subst ;;; ) ;_ end of setq ;;; ) ;_ end of if ) ;setq (entmod M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST ) ;_ end of defun (defun bzeroz (M:KEY M:ZELIST M:BLV / M:OPLIST M:NPLIST M:GC38 M:GC39) (setq M:OPLIST (assoc M:KEY M:ZELIST) M:NPLIST (cons M:KEY (trans (cdr (reverse (append '(0.0) (cdr (reverse M:OPLIST)))) ) ;_ end of cdr 1 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of cons M:ZELIST (subst M:NPLIST M:OPLIST M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST (subst (cons 210 '(0.0 0.0 1.0)) (assoc 210 M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST ) ;_ end of subst M:GC38 (if (not (null (assoc 38 M:ZELIST))) (setq M:ZELIST (subst (cons 38 0.0) (assoc 38 M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST ) ;_ end of subst ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of if M:GC39 (if (not (null (assoc 39 M:ZELIST))) (setq M:ZELIST (subst (cons 39 0.0) (assoc 39 M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST ) ;_ end of subst ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of if ) ;setq (entmod M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST ) ;_ end of defun (defun lw_list (M:KEY M:ZELIST / M:OPLIST M:NPLIST M:GC38 M:GC39 X) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (= (car x) M:KEY) (progn (setq M:OPLIST X M:NPLIST (if (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 M:ZELIST)) "*POLYLINE") (cons M:KEY (trans (mapcar '+ (if (< (length M:OPLIST) 4) (cdr (reverse (append '(0.0) (reverse M:OPLIST)) ) ;_ end of reverse ) ;_ end of cdr (cdr M:OPLIST) ) ;_ end of if (skalar-mult (cdr (assoc 38 M:ZELIST)) (cdr (assoc 210 M:ZELIST)) ) ;_ end of skalar-mult ) ;_ end of mapcar 1 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of cons (append (list M:KEY) (trans (reverse (append '(0.0) (reverse (list (nth 1 M:OPLIST) (nth 2 M:OPLIST))) ) ;_ end of append ) ;reverse 1 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of append ) ;_ end of if M:ZELIST (subst M:NPLIST M:OPLIST M:ZELIST) ;;; M:ZELIST (subst (cons 210 '(0.0 0.0 1.0)) ;;; (assoc 210 M:ZELIST) ;;; M:ZELIST ;;; ) ;_ end of subst ;;; M:GC38 (if (not (null (assoc 38 M:ZELIST))) ;;; (setq M:ZELIST (subst (cons 38 0.0) ;;; (assoc 38 M:ZELIST) ;;; M:ZELIST ;;; ) ;_ end of subst ;;; ) ;_ end of setq ;;; ) ;_ end of if ;;; M:GC39 (if (not (null (assoc 39 M:ZELIST))) ;;; (setq M:ZELIST (subst (cons 39 0.0) ;;; (assoc 39 M:ZELIST) ;;; M:ZELIST ;;; ) ;_ end of subst ;;; ) ;_ end of setq ;;; ) ;_ end of if ) ;setq ) ;ende progn x ) ;ende if ) ;ende lambda M:ZELIST ) ;ende mapcar (entmod M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST ) ;ende defun (defun blw_list (M:KEY M:ZELIST M:BLV / M:OPLIST M:NPLIST M:GC38 M:GC39 X tt) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (= (car x) M:KEY) (progn (setq M:OPLIST X M:NPLIST (if (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 M:ZELIST)) "POLYLINE") (append (list M:KEY) (if (null (setq tt (trans (mapcar '+ (if (< (length M:OPLIST) 4) (cdr (reverse (append '(0.0) (reverse M:OPLIST)) ) ;_ end of reverse ) ;_ end of cdr (cdr M:OPLIST) ) ;_ end of if (skalar-mult (cdr (assoc 38 M:ZELIST)) (cdr (assoc 210 M:ZELIST)) ) ;_ end of skalar-mult ) ;_ end of mapcar M:BLV ; 1 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of null (setq tt (trans (mapcar '+ (if (< (length M:OPLIST) 4) (cdr (reverse (append '(0.0) (reverse M:OPLIST)) ) ;_ end of reverse ) ;_ end of cdr (cdr M:OPLIST) ) ;_ end of if (skalar-mult (cdr (assoc 38 M:ZELIST)) (cdr (assoc 210 M:ZELIST)) ) ;_ end of skalar-mult ) ;_ end of mapcar 1 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of setq tt ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of cons/append (append (list M:KEY) (if (null (setq tt (trans (reverse (append '(0.0) (reverse (list (nth 1 M:OPLIST) (nth 2 M:OPLIST)) ) ;_ end of reverse ) ;_ end of append ) ;reverse M:BLV ; 1; 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of null (setq tt (trans (reverse (append '(0.0) (reverse (list (nth 1 M:OPLIST) (nth 2 M:OPLIST)) ) ;_ end of reverse ) ;_ end of append ) ;reverse 1 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of setq tt ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of append ) ;_ end of if M:ZELIST (subst M:NPLIST M:OPLIST M:ZELIST) ;;; M:ZELIST (subst (cons 210 '(0.0 0.0 1.0)) ;;; (assoc 210 M:ZELIST) ;;; M:ZELIST ;;; ) ;_ end of subst ) ;setq ) ;ende progn x ) ;ende if ;;; (setq M:ZELIST (subst (cons 210 '(0.0 0.0 1.0)) ;;; (assoc 210 M:ZELIST) ;;; M:ZELIST ;;; ) ;_ end of subst ;;; ) ) ;ende lambda M:ZELIST ) ;ende mapcar (entmod M:ZELIST) (entupd M:BLV) M:ZELIST ) ;ende defun (defun lw_OB_hoe (M:KEY M:ZELIST / M:OPLIST M:NPLIST X) (if (not (null (assoc M:KEY M:ZELIST))) (progn (setq M:OPLIST (assoc M:KEY M:ZELIST) M:NPLIST (cons M:KEY '0.0) M:ZELIST (subst M:NPLIST M:OPLIST M:ZELIST) ) ;setq (entmod M:ZELIST) ) ;_ end of progn ) ;_ end of if M:ZELIST ) ;ende defun (defun bpl_list (M:KEY M:ZELIST M:BLV / M:OPLIST M:NPLIST M:ELISTORG tt) (setq M:ELISTORG (entget (cdr (assoc -1 M:ZELIST)))) (setq M:ZELIST (entget (entnext (cdr (assoc -1 M:ZELIST))))) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (not (and (= (car x) 100) (or (= (cdr x) "AcDbPolygonMesh") (= (cdr x) "AcDbPolygonMeshVertex") ) ;_ end of or ) ;_ end of and ) ;_ end of not (progn (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 M:ZELIST)) "SEQEND") (setq M:OPLIST (assoc M:KEY M:ZELIST) M:NPLIST (cons M:KEY (if (null (setq tt (trans (mapcar '+ (cdr M:OPLIST) (if (null (skalar-mult (cdr (assoc 38 M:ZELIST)) (cdr (assoc 210 M:ZELIST)) ) ;_ end of skalar-mult ) ;_ end of null (list '0.0 '0.0 (* -1 (nth 2 (cdr M:OPLIST))) ) ;_ end of list ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of mapcar M:BLV 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of null (setq tt (trans (mapcar '+ (cdr M:OPLIST) (if (null (skalar-mult (cdr (assoc 38 M:ZELIST)) (cdr (assoc 210 M:ZELIST)) ) ;_ end of skalar-mult ) ;_ end of null (list '0.0 '0.0 (* -1 (nth 2 (cdr M:OPLIST)))) ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of mapcar 1 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of setq tt ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of cons M:ZELIST (subst M:NPLIST M:OPLIST M:ZELIST) ) ;setq (entmod M:ZELIST) (setq M:ZELIST (entget (entnext (cdr (assoc -1 M:ZELIST)))) ) ;_ end of setq ) ;ende while ) ;progn x ) ;if ) ;lambda M:ZELIST ) ;mapcar (entmod M:ELISTORG) M:ELISTORG ) ;ende defun (defun pl_list (M:KEY M:ZELIST / M:OPLIST M:NPLIST tmp) (setq M:ZELIST (entget (cdr (assoc -1 M:ZELIST)))) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (not (and (= (car x) 100) (or (= (cdr x) "AcDbPolygonMesh") (= (cdr x) "AcDbPolygonMeshVertex") ) ;_ end of or ) ;_ end of and ) ;_ end of not (progn (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 M:ZELIST)) "SEQEND") (setq M:OPLIST (assoc M:KEY M:ZELIST) M:NPLIST (cons M:KEY (trans (mapcar '+ (list (nth 0 (cdr M:OPLIST)) (nth 1 (cdr M:OPLIST))) (if (null (setq tmp (skalar-mult (if (assoc 38 M:ZELIST) (cdr (assoc 38 M:ZELIST)) '0.0 ) ;_ end of if (cdr (assoc 210 M:ZELIST)) ) ;_ end of skalar-mult ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of null (list '0.0 '0.0 (* -1 (nth 2 (cdr M:OPLIST)))) tmp ) ;_ end of if ) ;_ end of mapcar 1 0 ) ;_ end of trans ) ;_ end of cons M:ZELIST (subst M:NPLIST M:OPLIST M:ZELIST) ) ;setq (entmod M:ZELIST) (setq M:ZELIST (entget (entnext (cdr (assoc -1 M:ZELIST)))) ) ;_ end of setq ) ;ende while ) ;progn x ) ;if ) ;lambda M:ZELIST ) ;mapcar (entmod (cdr (assoc 230 M:ZELIST))) M:ZELIST ) ;ende defun (defun GC210 (M:KEY M:ZELIST / M:OPLIST M:NPLIST X) (setq M:OPLIST (assoc M:KEY M:ZELIST) M:NPLIST (cons M:KEY (list 0.0 0.0 1.0)) M:ZELIST (subst M:NPLIST M:OPLIST M:ZELIST) ) ;setq (entmod M:ZELIST) M:ZELIST ) ;_ end of defun (defun skalar-mult (#Skalar #Vektor) (mapcar '(lambda (y) (* #Skalar y)) #Vektor ) ;_ end of mapcar ) ;_ end of defun (defun md_objhoe (M:MDAS1 / M:MDAS1) (if M:MDAS1 (mapcar'(lambda(x) (VL-CATCH-ALL-APPLY 'vlax-put-property (list(vlax-ename->vla-object (cadr X)) 'Elevation 0)) ) (ssnamex M:MDAS1) ) ) ;ende if ) ;;;;----------------------------------------MAINFUNC----------------------------------------------------- (vl-load-com) (setq M:MD_ERR *ERROR* *ERROR* M:FEHLER ) ;_ end of setq ;;Marke für Zurück nach Abbruch setzen (command "_.UNDO" "_MARK") (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setvar "tilemode" 1) (if (= (substr (getvar "acadver") 1 2) "14") (command "_vpoint" "0,0,0" "_ucs" "_W" "_.Layer" "_unlock" "*" "") ;_ end of command (command ;"_view" "_top" "_ucs" "_W" "_.-Layer" "_unlock" "*" "") ;_ end of command ) ;_ end of if (prompt "\nElemente wählen zum Plätten, oder Return für alle... " ) ;_ end of prompt (setq M:SS1 (ssget)) (if (null M:SS1) (setq M:SS1 (ssget "X" '((-4 . ""))) ) ;_ end of setq ) ;_ end of if (setq M:SS1LEN (sslength M:SS1) i 0 M:NUMCHG 0 M:LINE 0 M:XLINE 0 M:TEXT 0 M:MTEXT 0 M:CIRCLE 0 M:ARC 0 M:POINT 0 M:SHAPE 0 M:ELLIPSE 0 M:DIM 0 M:MLINE 0 M:LWPOLYLINE 0 M:POLYLINE 0 M:SPLINE 0 M:LEADER 0 M:HATCH 0 M:INSERT 0 M:INBLK 0 M:3DFACE 0 M:TRACE 0 M:SOLID 0 M:IMAGE 0 M:BEARB_LIST nil M:BLK-VOR nil ) ;_ end of setq (prompt "\n Arbeite.") (terpri) (while (< i M:SS1LEN) (cond (M:ROTOR (setq M:ROTOR NIL) (princ (strcat (itoa M:NUMCHG) "\r \\ ")) ) (t (setq M:ROTOR (princ (strcat (itoa M:NUMCHG) "\r / ")) ) ;_ end of setq ) ) ;_ end of cond (setq M:ENAME (ssname M:SS1 i) M:ELIST (entget M:ENAME) M:ETYPE (cdr (assoc 0 M:ELIST)) NOTYP (cdr (assoc 100 M:ELIST)) ) ;_ end of setq (cond ((member M:ETYPE '("LINE" "XLINE" "TEXT")) (setq M:ELIST (zeroz 10 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (zeroz 11 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:NUMCHG (1+ M:NUMCHG) ) ;setq (cond ((= M:ETYPE "LINE") (setq M:LINE (1+ M:LINE))) ((= M:ETYPE "XLINE") (setq M:XLINE (1+ M:XLINE))) ((= M:ETYPE "TEXT") (setq M:TEXT (1+ M:TEXT))) ) ;_ end of cond ) ((member M:ETYPE '("MTEXT" "CIRCLE" "ARC" "POINT" "SHAPE" "ELLIPSE") ) ;_ end of member (setq M:ELIST (zeroz 10 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:NUMCHG (1+ M:NUMCHG) ) ;setq (cond ((= M:ETYPE "MTEXT") (setq M:MTEXT (1+ M:MTEXT))) ((= M:ETYPE "CIRCLE") (setq M:CIRCLE (1+ M:CIRCLE))) ((= M:ETYPE "ARC") (setq M:ARC (1+ M:ARC))) ((= M:ETYPE "POINT") (setq M:POINT (1+ M:POINT))) ((= M:ETYPE "SHAPE") (setq M:SHAPE (1+ M:SHAPE))) ((= M:ETYPE "ELLIPSE") (setq M:ELLIPSE (1+ M:ELLIPSE))) ) ;_ end of cond ) ((member M:ETYPE '("DIMENSION" "IMAGE")) (setq M:ELIST (zeroz 10 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (zeroz 11 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (zeroz 12 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (zeroz 13 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (zeroz 14 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:NUMCHG (1+ M:NUMCHG) ) ;setq (cond ((= M:ETYPE "DIMENSION") (setq M:DIM (1+ M:DIM))) ((= M:ETYPE "IMAGE") (setq M:IMAGE (1+ M:IMAGE))) ) ;_ end of cond ) ((member M:ETYPE '("MLINE" "SPLINE" "3DFACE" "TRACE" "SOLID") ) ;_ end of member (setq M:ELIST (lw_list 10 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_list 11 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_list 12 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_list 13 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:NUMCHG (1+ M:NUMCHG) ) ;setq (cond ((= M:ETYPE "MLINE") (setq M:MLINE (1+ M:MLINE))) ((= M:ETYPE "SPLINE") (setq M:SPLINE (1+ M:SPLINE))) ((= M:ETYPE "3DFACE") (setq M:3DFACE (1+ M:3DFACE))) ((= M:ETYPE "TRACE") (setq M:TRACE (1+ M:TRACE))) ((= M:ETYPE "SOLID") (setq M:SOLID (1+ M:SOLID))) ) ;_ end of cond ) ((member M:ETYPE '("LWPOLYLINE" "LEADER" "HATCH") ) ;_ end of member (setq M:ELIST (lw_list 10 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 38 M:ELIST) M:ELIST (lw_OB_hoe 39 M:ELIST) M:NUMCHG (1+ M:NUMCHG) ) ;setq (cond ((= M:ETYPE "LWPOLYLINE") (setq M:LWPOLYLINE (1+ M:LWPOLYLINE)) ) ((= M:ETYPE "LEADER") (setq M:LEADER (1+ M:LEADER))) ((= M:ETYPE "HATCH") (setq M:HATCH (1+ M:HATCH))) ) ;_ end of cond ) ((= M:ETYPE "POLYLINE") (setq M:ELIST (pl_list 10 M:ELIST) M:NUMCHG (1+ M:NUMCHG) M:POLYLINE (1+ M:POLYLINE) ) ;setq ) ((= M:ETYPE "INSERT") (setq M:BLK-VOR nil M:ELIST (zeroz 10 M:ELIST) ) ;_ end of setq (M:INSERTBEARB M:ELIST) ) (T (if (null M:TEMP_LISTE) (setq M:TEMP_LISTE '()) ;_ end setq ) ;_ end if (if (= (member M:ETYPE M:TEMP_LISTE) NIL) (setq M:TEMP_LISTE (append (list M:ETYPE) M:TEMP_LISTE)) ) ;_ end if ) ) ;ende cond (setq i (1+ i)) ;next entity ) ;while (if M:HAS_ATTS (command "_attsync" "_name" "*") ) ;_ end of if (setq M:BEARB_LIST (strcat "\n" (itoa M:NUMCHG) " von " (itoa M:SS1LEN) " Elementen bearbeitet" "\nFolgende Objektklassen wurden bearbeitet:\n" "\nLinien:\t\t" (itoa M:LINE) "\nXLinien:\t\t" (itoa M:XLINE) "\nPolylinien:\t" (itoa M:POLYLINE) "\nLWPolylinien:\t" (itoa M:LWPOLYLINE) "\nMultilinien:\t" (itoa M:MLINE) "\nSplines:\t\t" (itoa M:SPLINE) "\nTexte:\t\t" (itoa M:TEXT) "\nMtexte:\t\t" (itoa M:MTEXT) "\nBlöcke:\t\t" (itoa M:INSERT) " Elemente in Blöcken: " (itoa M:INBLK) "\nKreise:\t\t" (itoa M:CIRCLE) "\nBögen:\t\t" (itoa M:ARC) "\nPunkte:\t\t" (itoa M:POINT) "\nShapes:\t\t" (itoa M:SHAPE) "\nElipsen:\t\t" (itoa M:ELLIPSE) "\nBemassungen:\t" (itoa M:DIM) "\nFührungen:\t" (itoa M:LEADER) "\nSchraffuren:\t" (itoa M:HATCH) "\n3D Flächen:\t" (itoa M:3DFACE) "\nBänder:\t\t" (itoa M:TRACE) "\nSolids:\t\t" (itoa M:SOLID) "\nBilder:\t\t" (itoa M:IMAGE) ) ;_ end of strcat ) ;_ end of setq (alert M:BEARB_LIST) (setq M:TEMP_LAENGE (length M:TEMP_LISTE)) (repeat M:TEMP_LAENGE (setq M:WRT (car M:TEMP_LISTE) M:TEMP_LISTE (cdr M:TEMP_LISTE) ) ;_ end setq (if (null M:TXT) (setq M:TXT "Folgende Objektklassen wurden NICHT bearbeitet:\n") ) ;_ end if (setq M:TXT (strcat M:TXT M:WRT "\n")) ) ;_ end repeat (if M:TXT (alert M:TXT) ) ;_ end if (md_objhoe ss1) (setq *ERROR* M:MD_ERR) (command "_.regenall") (princ) ) ;defun