(use-package :OLI) (sd-defdialog 'autodim :dialog-title "autodim" :toolbox-button t :variables '( (view :selection *sd-anno-view-seltype* :title "view" :initial-value nil :after-input (doit) ) ;end parts ) :local-functions '( (doit () (AM_CREATE_DIM_SINGLE :HORIZONTAL ; :PICK1 first point ; :PICK2 second point ; :PICK3 point to place dim ) (AM_CREATE_DIM_SINGLE :VERTICAL ; :PICK1 first point ; :PICK2 second point ; :PICK3 point to place dim ) ) ) ; AM_CREATE_DIM_SINGLE ; Dialog Title: ; "Single Dimension" ; Dialog Type: ; :terminate ; Loaded with Module: ; "Annotation" ; Parallel Input Keywords: ; :AUTO value type: :boolean ; :AUTO_DIRECTION value type: :list (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :PARALLEL value type: :boolean ; :HORIZONTAL value type: :grouped-boolean ; :VERTICAL value type: :grouped-boolean ; :PARALLEL_TO variable type: :selection calls subaction: SELECT with focus type: *DIM-PARA+PERPEND-GEO-FOCUS* ; :PERPEND_TO variable type: :selection calls subaction: SELECT with focus type: *DIM-PARA+PERPEND-GEO-FOCUS* ; :PARALLEL_ANGLE value type: :number (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :EXTENSION_LINE value type: :boolean ; :PICK1 variable type: :invisible calls subaction: SELECT with focus type: *DIM-GENERAL-GEO-FOCUS* ; :PICK2 variable type: :invisible calls subaction: SELECT with focus type: *DIM-GENERAL-GEO-FOCUS* ; :PICK3 value type: :DOCUPOINT (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :T_FIX_TEXT variable type: :push-action ; :GET_FROM_TABLE value type: :boolean ; :PRE_SIZE value type: :number (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :PREFIX_ADD value type: :string (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :PREFIX value type: :string ; :PREFIX_BO value type: :string ; :PREFIX_BI value type: :string ; :POST_SIZE value type: :number (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :POSTFIX_ADD value type: :string (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :POSTFIX value type: :string ; :POSTFIX_BI value type: :string ; :POSTFIX_BO value type: :string ; :SUPER_SIZE value type: :number (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :SUPERFIX value type: :string ; :SUB_SIZE value type: :number (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :SUBFIX value type: :string ; :HIDE_GET_ALL value type: :number (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :GET_ALL variable type: :push-action ; :PUT_ALL variable type: :push-action ; :T_TOL :expand-shrink of type :push-action ; On variables (:TOL_TYPE) ; Off variables :NONE ; :TOL_TYPE variable type: :range ; :DUMMY ; :UPPER value type: :string ; :LOWER value type: :string ; :LIMIT1 value type: :number ; :LIMIT2 value type: :number ; :PM_VALUE value type: :string ; :GET_ALL_TOL variable type: :push-action ; :PUT_ALL_TOL variable type: :push-action ; :PUT_ALL_TOL_TEST value type: :number (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :MAIN_DIGITS value type: :number (permanently INVISIBLE) ; :MAIN_REM variable type: :push-action ; :MAIN_FORMAT variable type: :push-action ; :MAIN_ADD variable type: :push-action ; :APPEARANCE variable type: :push-action ; :STYLE variable type: :range ; :DUMMY ; :TEXT_COLOR value type: :rgb-color calls subaction: GET_RGB_COLOR ; :TEXT_FONT1B variable type: :range ; Font ; :TEXT_FONT2B value type: :string ; :TEXT_FILLED variable type: :range ; :ON - "On" ; :OFF - "Off" ; :TEXT_FRAME variable type: :range ; BOXED - "Box" ; FLAGGED - "Flag" ; BALLOONED - "Balloon" ; BASIC - "Basic" ; OFF - "Off" ; :ARROW_COLOR value type: :rgb-color calls subaction: GET_RGB_COLOR ; :ARROW_TYPE1 variable type: :range ; :DUMMY-KEYWORD ; :ARROW_TYPE2 variable type: :range ; :DUMMY-KEYWORD ; :ARROW_FILLED variable type: :range ; FILL_ON - "On" ; FILL_OFF - "Off" ; Mutual Exclusion: ; (:PARALLEL :HORIZONTAL :VERTICAL :PARALLEL_TO :PERPEND_TO) :ok-action '(doit) )