checklisteneu : dialog {label = "Checkliste Neuerstellung"; : spacer { height = 1; } : boxed_column { : spacer { height = 1; } : edit_box {label = "Datum" ;key = "datum" ;edit_width = 10;} : edit_box {label = "Auftraggeber" ;key = "auftraggeber" ;edit_width = 30;} : edit_box {label = "Ersteller" ;key = "ersteller" ;edit_width = 30;} : edit_box {label = "Verbleib des Kundenmusters" ;key = "verbleib" ;edit_width = 40;} : spacer { height = 1;} }// closed column : spacer { height = 1; } // * // OK und Cancel - Butten * // * : row { // defines the OK/Cancel button row : spacer { width = 1; } : button { // defines the OK button label = "Objekte auswählen"; is_default = true; key = "accept"; width = 8; fixed_width = true; } : button { // defines the Cancel button label = "Cancel"; is_cancel = true; key = "Abbruch"; width = 8; fixed_width = true; } : spacer { width = 1;} } // * // * // * }// close checklisteneu