Option Explicit On AddReference "C:\TEMP\Standardprops.dll" Imports Standardprops Imports System.Reflection Private Sub Main() Dim assembly As Assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("Autodesk.iLogic.Interfaces.dll") Dim ver As Version = assembly.GetName().Version Dim ver2 As Version = New Version("24.40.39600.0") Dim result As Integer=ver.CompareTo(ver2) If result<0 Then MsgBox("This rule needs at least Inventor 2020.4 to run.") Exit Sub End If 'MsgBox(GetType(String).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString ) If Not ThisDoc.Document.DocumentType=DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject And Not ThisDoc.Document.DocumentType=DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox("Funktion nur in Baugruppen und Bauteilen verfügbar", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "iLogic") Exit Sub End If Dim oMyForm As Standardprops.WinForm = New Standardprops.WinForm(ThisDoc, iProperties) oMyForm.ShowDialog() End Sub