...Running NX V2.0 version of ug_inspect on nullpart.prt --------- Contents of Record Mgr directory ---------- Partition id: 1 Starts at file offset: 640 (0x280) Machine format: Intel x86/Windows NT Time of saving: Wed Oct 05 13:07:12 2005 OM file name: nullpart.prt OM file format version: 7 (which was introduced in V13.0) Number of external references out of this directory: 0 Number of objects: 465937 The following OM classes occur in this directory: Class Name # Objects Schema Name,Version ---------- --------- ------------------- OM_root_object 1 OM,1 RM_part 1 RM,23 OM_save_audit_trail 0 OM,1 OM_save_audit_trail_entry 0 OM,1 LINE 7524 LINE,5 BCURVE 3320 BCURVE,12 ES_part_attribute 1 ES_base,11 LAYER_category 1 LAYER,1 UGFONT_table 1 UGFONT,1 COLOR_table 1 COLOR,1 CSYSTEM 1 CSYSTEM,4 CUTTER_display 1 CUTTER,4 SKELETON_grid_modeling 1 SKELETON,3 ACOM_parameter 1 ACOM,2 MATRIX 8 MATRIX,6 VIEW_base 8 VIEW,43 LAYOUT_canned 5 LAYOUT,4 ASSY_reference_design 1 ASSY,1 SOLID_body 1 SOLID,4 LIGHT_source 20 LIGHT,1 SBF 58 SBF,1 DAXIS 1 DAXIS,4 DPLANE 1 DPLANE,3 ATTR_password 13377 ATTR,4 ATTR_string_definition 133770 ATTR,4 RM_sketch_color_prefs 1 RM,23 RM_creation_display_data 0 RM,23 ATTR_int_definition 160524 ATTR,4 ATTR_length_definition 133770 ATTR,4 OM_2hash_set 13378 OM,1 RM_double_record_area 0 RM,23 RM_one_link_record_area 0 RM,23 RM_int_record_area 0 RM,23 RM_string_record_area 0 RM,23 RM_one_complex_record_area 0 RM,23 LIGHT 0 RM_complex,1 NAMREC 0 RM_complex,1 SOLID_face 1 SOLID,4 OM_oset 0 OM,1 SOLID_edge 1 SOLID,4 ASSY_reference_design_model 1 ASSY,1 LAYOUT_layout_cache 1 LAYOUT,4 LAYOUT_view_cache 1 LAYOUT,4 LAYOUT_member_view 0 LAYOUT,4 LAYOUT_base 2 LAYOUT,4 VIEW_canned 0 VIEW,43 VIEW_parametric 0 VIEW,43 DISPLAY_root 1 DISPLAY,27 RM_link_record_area 0 RM,23 DWG_member_view_parameter 1 DWG,2 DISPLAY_face_analysis 0 DISPLAY,27 DISPLAY_view_expstat 0 DISPLAY,27 DISPLAY_background 0 DISPLAY,27 DISPLAY_random_color 0 DISPLAY,27 DRAWINGS_root 1 DRAWINGS,6 RM_one_int_record_area 0 RM,23 LAYER_parameter 1 LAYER,1 UGFONT_table_parameter 1 UGFONT,1 CALCULATOR_parameter 1 CALCULATOR,1 SOLID_parameter 1 SOLID,4 ANNOT_retain_parameter 1 ANNOT,24 ANNOT_root 1 ANNOT,24 MDL_BND_parameter 1 MDL_BND,1 DIM_parameter 1 DIM,17 TOLCOM_parameter 1 TOLCOM,1 DWG_control_parameter 1 DWG,2 MODELING 1 MODELING,5 TABNOT_root 1 TABNOT,5 UNIT_root 1 UNIT,3 UNIT_measures_table 1 UNIT,3 UNIT_measure 27 UNIT,3 UNIT_type 105 UNIT,3 SKELETON_grid_drawing 1 SKELETON,3 SKELETON_grid_sketcher 1 SKELETON,3 SKELETON_window_borders 1 SKELETON,3 SKELETON_wcs 1 SKELETON,3 RM_complex_record_area 0 RM,23 CLRDEF 0 RM_complex,1 FTE 0 RM_complex,1 MASSPR 0 RM_complex,1 OM_tagged_object 0 OM,1 OM_storable_object 0 OM,1 OM_methodic_object 0 OM,1 OM_object 0 OM,1 OM_versioned_object 0 OM,1 OM_subobject 0 OM,1 CURVE 0 CURVE,6 SO 0 SO,7 RM_displayable_entity 0 RM,23 RM_entity 0 RM,23 SKELETON_grid 0 SKELETON,3 SKELETON_base 0 SKELETON,3 ES_base_parameter 0 ES_base,11 ASSY_reference_set 0 ASSY,1 ES_base_reference_set 0 ES_base,11 SOLID 0 SOLID,4 ATTR_definition 0 ATTR,4 OM_set 0 OM,1 RM_record_area 0 RM,23 RM_complex_record 0 RM,23 SOLID_subbody 0 SOLID,4 VIEW_modeling 0 VIEW,43 VIEW_parametric_base 0 VIEW,43 VIEW_reference_class 0 VIEW,43 -------- Non-empty entity type chains --------- Entity Name Type ----------- ---- Line 3 B-curve 9 Part attribute 11 Layer category 12 Font table 27 Color table 28 Coordinate system 45 Tool display 51 Skeleton ents 52 Parameter 53 Matrix 55 View 60 Layout 61 Reference set 64 Solid 70 Light source 182 Symbol font 194 Datum axis 196 Datum plane 197 Attribute Password 245 Attribute 246 --------- Contents of CMOD directory ---------- Partition id: 3 Starts at file offset: 38619541 (0x24d4995) Machine format: Intel x86/Windows NT Time of saving: Wed Oct 05 13:07:20 2005 OM file name: nullpart.prt OM file format version: 7 (which was introduced in V13.0) Number of external references out of this directory: 5 The external references are to the following data managers / directories / files Data Mgr Part Dir File Name -------- -------- --------- RM Record Mgr nullpart.prt (found in H:) Number of objects: 3 The following OM classes occur in this directory: Class Name # Objects Schema Name,Version ---------- --------- ------------------- OM_root_object 1 OM,1 CM_part 1 CM,16 OM_save_audit_trail 0 OM,1 OM_save_audit_trail_entry 0 OM,1 FEATURE_RECORD 1 FEATURES,78 CM_STUB_PARMS 0 CM_STUB,2 OM_tagged_object 0 OM,1 OM_storable_object 0 OM,1 OM_methodic_object 0 OM,1 OM_object 0 OM,1 OM_versioned_object 0 OM,1 OM_subobject 0 OM,1 RM_entity 0 RM,23 FEATURE_PARMS 0 FEATURES,78 --------- Contents of ESS directory ---------- Partition id: 4 Starts at file offset: 38620426 (0x24d4d0a) Machine format: Intel x86/Windows NT Time of saving: Wed Oct 05 13:07:20 2005 OM file name: nullpart.prt OM file format version: 7 (which was introduced in V13.0) Number of external references out of this directory: 0 Number of objects: 5 The following OM classes occur in this directory: Class Name # Objects Schema Name,Version ---------- --------- ------------------- OM_root_object 1 OM,1 ESS_part 1 ESS,17 OM_save_audit_trail 0 OM,1 OM_save_audit_trail_entry 0 OM,1 OM_2hash_set 2 OM,1 OM_hash_set 1 OM_BASIC,6 OM_tagged_object 0 OM,1 OM_storable_object 0 OM,1 OM_methodic_object 0 OM,1 OM_object 0 OM,1 OM_versioned_object 0 OM,1 OM_subobject 0 OM,1 OM_set 0 OM,1 --------- Contents of Occurrence directory ---------- Partition id: 6 Starts at file offset: 38621265 (0x24d5051) Machine format: Intel x86/Windows NT Time of saving: Wed Oct 05 13:07:20 2005 OM file name: nullpart.prt OM file format version: 7 (which was introduced in V13.0) Number of external references out of this directory: 0 Number of objects: 2 The following OM classes occur in this directory: Class Name # Objects Schema Name,Version ---------- --------- ------------------- OM_root_object 1 OM,1 OCC_part 1 OCC,66 OM_save_audit_trail 0 OM,1 OM_save_audit_trail_entry 0 OM,1 OM_tagged_object 0 OM,1 OM_storable_object 0 OM,1 OM_methodic_object 0 OM,1 OM_object 0 OM,1 OM_versioned_object 0 OM,1 OM_subobject 0 OM,1 -------- Part File Summary ------------ Part name: nullpart.prt Product UGII Release: NX V2.0 Part units: Metric Part codeset: CODE PAGE 1252 Pre V10 filing history: V10 filing history: Version Save Time Machine User Program ------- --------- ------- ---- ------- 196 05-Okt-2005 13:07 NT Intel sf6046 Unigraphics NX Filing history outside UG: Part File Size (bytes): 38621840 Definitely contains no foreign data entities? TRUE Definitely contains no components? TRUE Components can be added to this part? TRUE Pattern data: Display file date/time stamp: Wed Oct 05 23:07:12 2005 Machine format: Intel x86/Windows NT Unique part identifier (UID): pcs1011-17.Intel x86 .1128505934.0.3768.3 File Header: Status: 0 Description: Customer area: Next available partition id: 7 There are 5 non-empty directories: Directory Size(bytes) id --------- ----------- -- Record Mgr 38618901 1 (compacted) CMOD 885 3 (compacted) ESS 839 4 (compacted) Occurrence 577 6 (compacted) Pattern 2 5 -------- Structured Storage Summary ------------ Storage part Stream attrs: 56 bytes Storage images Stream preview: 1397 bytes Storage UG_PART Stream UG_PART: 38621840 bytes Stream qafmetadata: 375 bytes