Attribute VB_Name = "SheetMetal2DXF" ' The sample code below writes a sheet metal file out as DXF. ' DWG is also supported. ' There are several optional arguments that can be specified ' as part of the format string. Below are the names of ' these arguments and their default values. The output will use ' these values unless you override them as part of the input string. ' ' ' TangentLayer = "IV_TANGENT" ' ' BendLayer = "IV_BEND" ' ' ToolCenterLayer = "IV_TOOL_CENTER" ' ' ArcCentersLayer = "IV_ARC_CENTERS" ' ' OuterProfileLayer = "IV_OUTER_PROFILE" ' ' FeatureProfilesLayer = "IV_FEATURE_PROFILES" ' ' InteriorProfilesLayer = "IV_INTERIOR_PROFILES" ' ' AcadVersion = "2000" (Can be "R12", "R13", "R14", or "2000") ' ' Public Sub WriteSheetMetalDXF() ' ' The following sample demonstrates creating an R12 DXF file ' that will have a layer called "Outer" where the curves ' for the outer shape will be created. ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '(c) Lothar Boekels Ingenieurbüro für Maschinenbau 2004 ' Schroerskamp 74 ' 41069 Mönchengladbach ' ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Nur im Sheet Metal Part: If Not ((ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType = kPartDocumentObject) _ And (ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.SubType = "{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}")) Then MsgBox "Must be a SheetMetalPart" GoTo endeSub End If ' Get the active document. This assumes it is a part document. Dim oDoc As PartDocument Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument ' Blechteil abwickeln Dim oFlatPattern As FlatPattern Set oFlatPattern = oDoc.ComponentDefinition.FlatPattern If oFlatPattern Is Nothing Then oDoc.ComponentDefinition.Unfold Else oDoc.Update End If ' Abwicklung speichern Dim sFullName As String Dim sName As String Dim sDXFName As String Dim sPath As String Dim sPath_Vault As String Dim sLokalerAB_Kenner As String ' Ermitteln des Standortes und des Names der IPT. ' Die Abwicklung (DXF-Datei) wird in den gleichen Pfad geschrieben, wo die IPT steht. ' Sie hat den gleichen Namen wie die IPT - nur die Extension ist .DXF . sFullName = oDoc.FullFileName sName = sFullName Do While InStr(1, sName, "\", vbTextCompare) > 0 sName = Right$(sName, Len(sName) - InStr(1, sName, "\", vbTextCompare)) Loop sDXFName = Left$(sName, Len(sName) - 4) + ".dxf" sPath = Left$(sFullName, Len(sFullName) - Len(sName)) 'Großbuchstaben für den DriveLetter If InStr(1, sPath, ":\", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then sPath = UCase(Left$(sPath, 1)) & Right$(sPath, Len(sPath) - 1) End If 'MsgBox (sFullName & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sPath & vbCrLf & sName & vbCrLf & sDXFName) 'Exit Sub Dim sMsg As String 'MsgBox (Dir(sPath + sDXFName, vbNormal)) If Not Dir(sPath + sDXFName, vbNormal) = "" Then 'Abfrage nur dann, wenn Datei existiert sTitel = "Achtung - überschreiben ?" sMsg = vbCrLf & "Soll Datei " & vbCrLf _ & vbCrLf & sPath _ & vbCrLf & sDXFName & vbCrLf _ & vbCrLf & "überschrieben werden ?" _ & vbCrLf If MsgBox(sMsg, vbOKCancel, sTitel) = vbCancel Then MsgBox ("Bestehende Datei " & Dir(sPath + sDXFName, vbNormal) & " beibehalten.") Exit Sub End If Else 'Abfrage, wenn Datei neu erstellt wird sTitel = "Neue Datei erstellen ?" sMsg = vbCrLf & "Soll Datei " & vbCrLf _ & vbCrLf & sPath _ & vbCrLf & sDXFName & vbCrLf _ & vbCrLf & "erstellt werden ?" _ & vbCrLf If Not MsgBox(sMsg, vbYesNoCancel, sTitel) = vbYes Then 'MsgBox ("Abwicklung " & Dir(sPath + sDXFName, vbNormal) & " NICHT erstellt.") Exit Sub End If End If ' Get the DataIO object. Dim oDataIO As DataIO Set oDataIO = oDoc.ComponentDefinition.DataIO ' Build the string that defines the format of the DXF file. ' The output will use these values unless you override them as part of the input string. ' Weglassen hilft nicht! ' Argument Type Note ' TangentLayer String ' OuterProfileLayer String ' ArcCentersLayer String ' InteriorProfilesLayer String ' BendLayer String BendUpLayer + BendDownLayer (legacy support) ' BendUpLayer String ' BendDownLayer String ' ToolCenterLayer String ToolCenterUpLayer + ToolCenterDownLayer (legacy support) ' ToolCenterUpLayer String ' ToolCenterDownLayer String ' FeatureProfilesLayer String FeatureProfilesUpLayer + FeatureProfilesDownLayer (legacy support) ' FeatureProfilesUpLayer String ' FeatureProfilesDownLayer String ' AcadVersion String 2007, 2004, 2000, or R12 (for DXF only) ' CustomizeFilename String ' SimplifySplines Boolean ' SplineTolerance Double ' AdvancedLegacyExport Boolean ' MergeOuterContour Boolean ' RebaseGeometry Boolean ' InvisibleLayers String List of layer names to make invisible, seperated by ; Dim sOut As String ' sOut = "FLAT PATTERN DXF?" _ ' + "TangentLayer=Tangents" _ ' + "&SimplifySplines=True" sOut = "FLAT PATTERN DXF?" _ + "AcadVersion=R12" _ + "&OuterProfileLayer=IV_OUTER_PROFILE" _ + "&InteriorProfilesLayer=IV_INTERIOR_PROFILES" _ + "&FeatureProfilesLayer=IV_FEATURE_PROFILES" _ + "&TangentLayer=IV_TANGENT" _ + "&BendLayer=IV_BEND" _ + "&ToolCenterLayer=IV_TOOL_CENTER" _ + "&ArcCentersLayer=IV_ARC_CENTERS" _ + "" ' Create the DXF file. On Error GoTo Fehler oDataIO.WriteDataToFile sOut, sPath + sDXFName GoTo endeSub Fehler: Call MsgBox("Beim Speichern ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!", vbCritical) endeSub: Set oDoc = Nothing End Sub