Attribute VB_Name = "Rename_Browser" Public Sub Rename_Browser() If Not MsgBox("Benennt die Browser-Einträge entsprechend der jeweiligen Features um." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Nur in Parts und Assemblies!" & vbCrLf, vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Exit Sub End If If ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType = kAssemblyDocumentObject Then ThisApplication.StatusBarText = "Renaming Assembly" Dim assyodoc As AssemblyDocument Set assyodoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim AssyoProp As Property Set AssyoProp = assyodoc.PropertySets.Item("{32853F0F-3444-11d1-9E93-0060B03C1CA6}").ItemByPropId(kPartNumberDesignTrackingProperties) assyodoc.DisplayName = AssyoProp.Value Dim Assyapp As Application Dim assyDoc As AssemblyDocument Set Assyapp = ThisApplication Set assyDoc = Assyapp.ActiveDocument Dim ACounter1 As Integer Dim ACounter2 As Integer ACounter1 = 0 ACounter2 = 1 For c = 1 To assyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.Count cprop = assyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences(c).Definition.Document.PropertySets.Item("Summary Information").ItemByPropId(2).Value If cprop = Null Then cprop = "" assyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences(c).name = ACounter1 & "_" & cprop ThisApplication.StatusBarText = "Renaming Assembly Components - " & ACounter1 ACounter1 = ACounter1 + 1 Next c For A = 1 To assyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.Count aprop = assyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences(A).Definition.Document.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties").ItemByPropId(5).Value If aprop = Null Then aprop = "" assyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences(A).name = aprop & "_" & ACounter2 ThisApplication.StatusBarText = "Renaming Assembly Components - " & ACounter2 ACounter2 = ACounter2 + 1 Next A ACounter1 = 0 ACounter2 = 0 ThisApplication.StatusBarText = "Renaming Constraints To Their Default Value" Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition Set oAsmCompDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition Dim oConstraint As AssemblyConstraint Dim ACounter As String ACounter = 1 On Error Resume Next For Each oConstraint In oAsmCompDef.Constraints Select Case oConstraint.Type Case kAngleConstraintObject = "Angle" & ":" & ACounter ACounter = ACounter + 1 Case kFlushConstraintObject = "Flush" & ":" & ACounter ACounter = ACounter + 1 Case kInsertConstraintObject = "Insert" & ":" & ACounter ACounter = ACounter + 1 Case kMateConstraintObject = "Mate" & ":" & ACounter ACounter = ACounter + 1 Case kTangentConstraintObject = "Tangent" & ":" & ACounter ACounter = ACounter + 1 Case kTransitionalConstraintObject = "Transitional" & ":" & ACounter ACounter = ACounter + 1 Case kRotateRotateConstraintObject = "Rotate" & ":" & ACounter ACounter = ACounter + 1 Case kRotateTranslateConstraintObject = "RotateTranslate" & ":" & ACounter ACounter = ACounter + 1 End Select Next ACounter = 1 ThisApplication.StatusBarText = Null assyodoc.Update ElseIf ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType = kPartDocumentObject Then ThisApplication.StatusBarText = "PartDocument - Renaming Part" '================================================ Dim partodoc As PartDocument Set partodoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim PartoProp As Property Set PartoProp = partodoc.PropertySets.Item("{32853F0F-3444-11d1-9E93-0060B03C1CA6}").ItemByPropId(kPartNumberDesignTrackingProperties) partodoc.DisplayName = PartoProp.Value ThisApplication.StatusBarText = "PartDocument - Renaming Holes" '================================================ On Error Resume Next Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument Dim oFeature As PartFeature Dim PCounter1 As String Dim name As String Dim HoleDia As String Dim HoleDia_Chars As Integer Dim HoleDepth, HoleDepth_Chars As Integer Dim CBoreDia, CBoreDepth, CBoreDiaChars As Integer Dim CBoredepthchars, HoleDiaP, HoleDepthP, CBoreDepthP, CBoreDiaP PCounter1 = "0" Set oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = kHoleFeatureObject Then If oFeature.HoleType = kDrilledHole Then name = "Bohrung " Else If oFeature.HoleType = kCounterBoreHole Then name = "Cbore " CBoreDia = oFeature.CBoreDiameter.Expression CBoreDepth = oFeature.CBoreDepth.Expression CBoredepthchars = Len(CBoreDepth) '''CBoreDepth = Left$(CBoreDepth, (CBoredepthchars - 4)) CBoreDepth = Format$(CBoreDepth, "###.####") CBoreDepthP = Right$(CBoreDepth, 1) CBoredepthchars = Len(CBoreDepth) If CBoreDepthP = "." Then CBoreDepth = Left$(CBoreDepth, (CBoredepthchars - 1)) End If CBoreDiaChars = Len(CBoreDia) '''CBoreDia = Left$(CBoreDia, (CBoreDiaChars - 4)) CBoreDia = Format$(CBoreDia, "###.####") CBoreDiaP = Right$(CBoreDia, 1) CBoreDiaChars = Len(CBoreDia) If CBoreDiaP = "." Then CBoreDia = Left$(CBoreDia, (CBoreDiaChars - 1)) End If name = "Bohrung Ø" & CBoreDia & " x " & CBoreDepth & " tief, Hole " Else If oFeature.HoleType = kCounterSinkHole Then name = "C/Sunk " Else name = "Tapped " End If End If End If If oFeature.Tapped Then name = name & oFeature.TapInfo.ThreadDesignation Else HoleDia = oFeature.HoleDiameter.Expression HoleDia_Chars = Len(HoleDia) '''HoleDia = Left$(HoleDia, (HoleDia_Chars - 4)) HoleDia = Format$(HoleDia, "###.####") HoleDia = "Ø" & HoleDia HoleDiaP = Right$(HoleDia, 1) HoleDia_Chars = Len(HoleDia) If HoleDiaP = "." Then HoleDia = Left$(HoleDia, (HoleDia_Chars - 1)) End If name = name & HoleDia End If If oFeature.ExtentType = kDistanceExtent Then HoleDepth = oFeature.Extent.Distance.Expression HoleDepth_Chars = Len(HoleDepth) '''HoleDepth = Left$(HoleDepth, (HoleDepth_Chars - 4)) HoleDepth = Format$(HoleDepth, "####.###") HoleDepthP = Right$(HoleDepth, 1) HoleDepth_Chars = Len(HoleDepth) If HoleDepthP = "." Then HoleDepth = Left$(HoleDepth, (HoleDepth_Chars - 1)) End If PCounter1 = PCounter1 + 1 name = name & " x " & HoleDepth & " tief_ " & PCounter1 Else HoleDepth = oFeature.Extent.Distance.Expression HoleDepth_Chars = Len(HoleDepth) '''HoleDepth = Left$(HoleDepth, (HoleDepth_Chars - 4)) HoleDepth = Format$(HoleDepth, "####.###") HoleDepthP = Right$(HoleDepth, 1) HoleDepth_Chars = Len(HoleDepth) If HoleDepthP = "." Then HoleDepth = Left$(HoleDepth, (HoleDepth_Chars - 1)) End If PCounter1 = PCounter1 + 1 name = name & HoleDepth & " durch_ " & PCounter1 End If = name End If HoleDia_Chars = Null HoleDepth = Null HoleDepth_Chars = Null CBoreDia = Null CBoreDepth = Null CBoreDiaChars = Null CBoredepthchars = Null name = Null Next ThisApplication.StatusBarText = "PartDocument - Renaming Features" '================================================ Set oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features name = Null PCounter = "0" Next Dim ExtrusionCounter As Integer ExtrusionCounter = 1 Dim RevolutionCounter As Integer RevolutionCounter = 1 Dim CircPatternCounter As Integer CircPatternCounter = 1 Dim RetPatternCounter As Integer RetPatternCounter = 1 Dim ChamferCounter As Integer ChamferCounter = 1 Dim FilletCounter As Integer FilletCounter = 1 Dim ThreadCounter As Integer ThreadCounter = 1 Dim LoftCounter As Integer LoftCounter = 1 Dim ShellCounter As Integer ShellCounter = 1 Dim SweepCounter As Integer SweepCounter = 1 Dim FlangeCounter As Integer FlangeCounter = 1 Dim FaceDraftCounter As Integer FaceDraftCounter = 1 Dim MoveFaceCounter As Integer MoveFaceCounter = 1 '''''Renaming Extrusions For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83910656 Then Dim ExtrusionWeldName ExtrusionWeldName = ExtrusionWeldName = Right$(, 4) If ExtrusionWeldName <> "WELD" Then name = "Extrusion_" & ExtrusionCounter Else: name = "Extrusion_" & ExtrusionCounter & " WELD" End If = name ExtrusionCounter = ExtrusionCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming MoveFaceFeature For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = kMoveFaceFeatureObject Then name = "Fläche verschieben_" & MoveFaceCounter = name MoveFaceCounter = MoveFaceCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming FaceDraft For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83911168 Then name = "FaceDraft_" & FaceDraftCounter = name FaceDraftCounter = FaceDraftCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Revolutions For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83914240 Then name = "Drehung_" & RevolutionCounter = name RevolutionCounter = RevolutionCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Circular Patterns For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83909632 Then name = "Circular Pattern_" & CircPatternCounter = name CircPatternCounter = CircPatternCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Rectangular Patterns For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83913728 Then name = "Rectangular Pattern_" & RetPatternCounter = name RetPatternCounter = RetPatternCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Chamfers For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83909120 Then Dim ChamferWeldName ChamferWeldName = ChamferWeldName = Right$(, 4) If ChamferWeldName <> "WELD" Then name = "Fase_" & ChamferCounter Else: name = "Chamfer_" & ChamferCounter & " WELD" End If = name ChamferCounter = ChamferCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Fillets For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83911680 Then name = "Radius_" & FilletCounter = name FilletCounter = FilletCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Lofts For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83912704 Then name = "Loft_" & LoftCounter = name LoftCounter = LoftCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Shells For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83915264 Then name = "Shell_" & ShellCounter = name ShellCounter = ShellCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Sweeps For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 83916288 Then name = "Sweep_" & ShellCounter = name SweepCounter = SweepCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Flanges For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = 151001344 Then name = "Flange_" & FlangeCounter = name FlangeCounter = FlangeCounter + 1 End If Next '''''Renaming Threads For Each oFeature In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Features If oFeature.Type = kThreadFeatureObject Then name = "Thread " & oFeature.ThreadInfo.PitchDesignation & "_" & ThreadCounter = name ThreadCounter = ThreadCounter + 1 End If Next ThisApplication.StatusBarText = Null oPartDoc.Update Else MsgBox "nix passiert - falscher Dokumenttyp" End If End Sub