[PropertyMap] ; This file contains the mapping table from Inventor properties to ; AutoManager properties. A mapping is in the form of: ; InventorProperty=AutoManagerProperty ; where both InventorProperty and AutoManagerProperty are in the form ; of "Propertyset.Propertyname" ; ; The following Inventor propertysets are supported (in parenthesis is ; the name that is used for this propertyset): ; Summary Information (Summary) ; Document Summary (DocSummary) ; Design Tracking Properties (Properties) ; User Defined Properties (Custom) ; The property name is language dependant. ; ; Below are the supported Inventor properties. If a property can be used in ; the Inventor titleblocks, it is preceded by a line containing the name ; (in uppercase) as it appears in the "Format Field Text" dialog. ; InventorProperty = AutoManagerProperty ;*************************** ;**********Summary********** ;*************************** ; Enum PropertiesForSummaryInformationEnum ; Element von Inventor ; Summary Information {F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9} ; -> Microsoft-defined Property Set dealing with generic document properties ; TITLE ; Const kTitleSummaryInformation = 2 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForSummaryInformationEnum ; Title: String (VT_STR), Editable, UI on Summary Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Heading for this file ; Summary.Title = Custom.Titel Summary.Title = Custom.Benennung1 ; SUBJECT ; Const kSubjectSummaryInformation = 3 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForSummaryInformationEnum ; Subject: String (VT_STR), Editable, UI on Summary Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Topic to which this file pertains ; Summary.Subject = Custom.Thema Summary.Subject = Custom.Benennung2 ; AUTHOR ; Const kAuthorSummaryInformation = 4 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForSummaryInformationEnum ; Author: String (VT_STR), Editable, UI on Summary Page, Always present (default=current login name) ; -> Creator of this file Summary.Author = AMFSObjectPropertySet._CREATEDBY,WO ; KEYWORDS ; Const kKeywordsSummaryInformation = 5 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForSummaryInformationEnum ; Keywords: String (VT_STR), Editable, UI on Summary Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Distinctive words that best describe this file Summary.Keywords = Custom.Stichwoerter ; COMMENTS ; Const kCommentsSummaryInformation = 6 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForSummaryInformationEnum ; Comments: String (VT_STR), Editable, UI on Summary Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Additional information Summary.Comments = Custom.Kommentare ; REVISION NUMBER ; Const kRevisionSummaryInformation = 9 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForSummaryInformationEnum ; Revision: String (VT_STR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Number denoting the current version of the document Summary.Revision Number = AMVersionablePropertySet._VERSIONNUMBER,WO ; Const kCreationTimeSummaryInformation = 12 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForSummaryInformationEnum ; Creation Time: Date (VT_FILETIME), Read Only, No UI, Always present (default=file creation time) ; -> Time this file came into existence. ;*** DEFUNCT. Use Creation Date in Design Tracking Property Set instead ; Const kThumbnailSummaryInformation = 17 (&H11) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForSummaryInformationEnum ; Thumbnail: Bytes (VT_CLIPDATA), Editable, Read Only UI on File Dialogs, Always present (default=empty bitmap) ; -> A bitmap picture of the document ;****************************** ;**********DocSummary********** ;****************************** ; Enum PropertiesForDocSummaryInformationEnum ; Element von Inventor ; Document Summary Information {D5CDD502-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE} ; -> Microsoft-defined Property Set enhancing the generic document properties ; CATEGORY ; Const kCategoryDocSummaryInformation = 2 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDocSummaryInformationEnum ; Category: String (VT_STR), Editable, UI on Summary Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Category in which this file belongs DocSummary.Category = Custom.ProductCategory,WO ; MANAGER ; Const kManagerDocSummaryInformation = 14 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDocSummaryInformationEnum ; Manager: String (VT_STR), Editable, UI on Summary Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Manager in charge of the project in which this document has been generated DocSummary.Manager = AMDocumentWorkflowPropertySet._MANAGER,WO ; COMPANY ; Const kCompanyDocSummaryInformation = 15 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDocSummaryInformationEnum ; Company: String (VT_STR), Editable, UI on Summary Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Organization responsible for this project DocSummary.Company = Custom.Clientname,WO ;****************************** ;**********Properties********** ;****************************** ; Enum PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Element von Inventor ; Design Tracking Properties {32853F0F-3444-11d1-9E93-0060B03C1CA6} ; -> Inventor-defined Property Set dealing with maintaining information about the document as a manufactured Part ; Const kDocSubTypeDesignTrackingProperties = 31 (&H1F) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Document SubType: GUID (VT_CLSID), Read Only, No UI, Always present (default=Document's CLSID) ; -> Finer classification of this Document's type. Document's type can be retrived by calling ::ReadClassStg on the root-storage ; Const kDocSubTypeNameDesignTrackingProperties = 32 (&H20) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Document SubType Name: String (VT_BSTR), Read Only, No UI, Always present (default=Document Type name) ; -> Display name of the finer classification of this Document's type ; PART NUMBER ; Const kPartNumberDesignTrackingProperties = 5 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Part Number: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=Filename) ; -> Tracking number assigned to the Part Properties.Part Number = Custom.Zeichnungsnummer ; Const kPartPropRevIdDesignTrackingProperties = 21 (&H15) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Part Property Revision Id: GUID (VT_CLSID), Editable, No UI, Always present (default=initial GUID) ; -> GUID representing revision of Part properties (SummaryInformation, DocumentSummaryInformation, UserDefinedProperties and DesignTrackingProperties) ; Const kProxyRefreshDateDesignTrackingProperties = 33 (&H21) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Proxy Refresh Date: Date (VT_FILETIME), Read Only, No UI, Always present (default=0) ; -> If this is Proxy file for a Part, the date/time when it was last refreshed with respect to the Part ; Const kStandardDesignTrackingProperties = 37 (&H25) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Standard: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, No UI, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> If non-NULL, this is the specific standard that governs this component family ; Const kStandardRevisionDesignTrackingProperties = 47 (&H2F) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Standard Revision: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, No UI, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Applicable when Standard is non-NULL. Indicates the particular version of the international standard being applied to the component ; Const kStandardsOrganizationDesignTrackingProperties = 49 (&H31) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Standards Organization: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, No UI, Always present (default=Custom) ; -> This is the name of the organization that developed the specific standard to which this family might belong ; Const kTemplateRowDesignTrackingProperties = 45 (&H2D) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Template Row: GUID (VT_CLSID), Read Only, No UI, Need not be present ; -> The row of parameters in the template from which this model was derived ; DESCRIPTION ; Const kDescriptionDesignTrackingProperties = 29 (&H1D) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Description: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> A user-defined description of the contents of this file Properties.Description = Custom.ProductDescription ; PROJECT ; Const kProjectDesignTrackingProperties = 7 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Project: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Project for which this Part was generated Properties.Project = Custom.Projektnummer ; DESIGNER ; Const kDesignerDesignTrackingProperties = 41 (&H29) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Designer: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> If non-NULL, this is the name of the designer of this model ; Properties.Designer = ; ENGINEER ; Const kEngineerDesignTrackingProperties = 42 (&H2A) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Engineer: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> If non-NULL, this is the name of the engineer responsible for this model Properties.Engineer = AMFSObjectPropertySet._CREATEDBY,WO ; AUHTORITY ; Const kAuthorityDesignTrackingProperties = 43 (&H2B) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Authority: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> If non-NULL, this signifies the authorization of this model ; Properties.Authority = ; COST CENTER ; Const kCostCenterDesignTrackingProperties = 9 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Cost Center: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Cost Center responsible for the Project ; Properties.Cost Center = ; ESTIMATED COST ; Const kCostDesignTrackingProperties = 36 (&H24) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Cost: Currency (VT_CY), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=0) ; -> Cost of the Part ; Properties.Cost = ; CREATION DATE Properties.Creation Date = AMFSObjectPropertySet._CREATED,WO ; Const kMaterialDesignTrackingProperties = 20 (&H14) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Material: String (VT_BSTR), Read Only, UI in Material command, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Name of the material used to build the Part ; VENDOR ; Const kVendorDesignTrackingProperties = 30 (&H1E) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Vendor: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Name of the vendor from which this Part is purchased ; Properties.Vendor = ; WEBLINK ; Const kCatalogWebLinkDesignTrackingProperties = 23 (&H17) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Catalog Web Link: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> If this is a Part from a Catalog, the Web address of the Catalog provider ; Properties.Catalog Web Link = ; STATUS ; Const kUserStatusDesignTrackingProperties = 17 (&H11) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; User Status: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Status Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Status of the Part Properties.User Status = AMDocumentWorkFlowPropertySet._STATUSTEXT,WO ; DESIGN STATE ; Const kDesignStatusDesignTrackingProperties = 40 (&H28) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Design Status: Long (VT_I4), Editable, UI on Status Page, Always present (default=0) ; -> 0=Not Set, 1=Work In Progress, 2=Pending, 3=Released Properties.Design Status = ; CHECKED BY ; Const kCheckedByDesignTrackingProperties = 10 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Checked By: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Status Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Name of the person checking the Part Properties.Checked By = Custom.CheckedBy,WO ; CHECKED DATE ; Const kDateCheckedDesignTrackingProperties = 11 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Date Checked: Date (VT_FILETIME), Editable, UI on Status Page, Always present (default=0) ; -> Time on which the check was performed Properties.Date Checked = Custom.CheckDate,WO ; ENG APPROVED BY ; Const kEngrApprovedByDesignTrackingProperties = 12 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Engr Approved By: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Status Page, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> Name of the person approving the Part's engineering aspect Properties.Engr Approved By = Custom.ApprovedBy,WO ; ENG APPROVAL DATE ; Const kDateEngrApprovedDesignTrackingProperties = 13 ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Engr Date Approved: Date (VT_FILETIME), Editable, UI on Status Page, Always present (default=0) ; -> Time on which the approval of the Part's engineering was performed Properties.Engr Date Approved = Custom.ApproveDate,WO ; MFG APPROVED BY ; Const kMfgApprovedByDesignTrackingProperties = 34 (&H22) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Mfg Approved By: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, UI on Project Page, Need not be present ; -> Name of the person approving the Part's manufacturing aspect Properties.Mfg Approved By = Custom.IssuedBy,WO ; MFG APPROVED DATE ; Const kDateMfgApprovedDesignTrackingProperties = 35 (&H23) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Mfg Date Approved: Date (VT_FILETIME), Editable, UI on Project Page, Always present (default=0) ; -> Time on which the approval of the Part's manufacturing was performed Properties.Mfg Date Approved = Custom.IssueDate,WO ; Const kExternalPropRevIdDesignTrackingProperties = 46 (&H2E) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; External Property Revision Id: GUID (VT_CLSID), Editable, No UI, Always present (default=initial GUID) ; -> GUID representing revision of external property sets (created by Third Parties) ; Const kLanguageDesignTrackingProperties = 50 (&H32) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Language: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, No UI, Always present (default=empty string) ; -> If non-NULL, this is the language (specified in ISO 639-2 alpha-3) being used for displaying the user-friendly names of various pieces of data ; Const kManufacturerDesignTrackingProperties = 48 (&H30) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Manufacturer: String (VT_BSTR), Editable, No UI, Always present (default=Standard) ; -> This is the name of the manufacturer or supplier of this component ; Const kParameterizedTemplateDesignTrackingProperties = 44 (&H2C) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Parameterized Template: Bool (VT_BOOL), Read Only, No UI, Always present (default=FALSE) ; -> Whether this model is a parameterized template to produce other models ; Const kPartIconDesignTrackingProperties = 28 (&H1C) ; Element von Inventor.PropertiesForDesignTrackingPropertiesEnum ; Part Icon: Clipdata (VT_CLIPDATA), Read Only, No UI, Need not be present ; -> Special icon to be used wherever appropriate (eg: Windows Explorer) ;************************** ;**********Custom********** ;************************** ; User Defined Properties allow additional properties to be added ; besides the standard properties. Any property listed here will ; be created in the custom property set if it does not exist yet. ; Custom.PropertyName = AMPropSet.AMPropName Custom.Untertitel = Cumstom.Benennung2 Custom.Halbzeug = Custom.Halbzeug