Attribute VB_Name = "IPropEintraege" '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '(c) Lothar Boekels 2007 ' Boekels Ingenieurbüro für Maschinenbau ' Schroerskamp 74 ' 41069 Mönchengladbach ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Property_Expression_setzen(oDoc As Document, sPropName As String, vExpression As Variant) ' Belegt eine Property mit einem Wert. ' Ist die Property nicht vorhanden, so wird sie angelegt. ' Obtain the PropertySets collection object Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Set oPropSets = oDoc.PropertySets Dim bPropertyDa As Boolean Dim oProp As Property bPropertyDa = False ' Iterate through all the PropertySets one by one using for loop ' and changing its value if found Dim oPropSet As PropertySet For Each oPropSet In oPropSets For Each oProp In oPropSet 'Debug.Print oProp.Name If = sPropName Then oProp.Expression = vExpression bPropertyDa = True Exit For End If Next Next 'Property anlegen und Wert eintragen If Not bPropertyDa Then oDoc.PropertySets("{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}").Add vExpression, sPropName 'oDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Add vExpression, sPropName End If End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Property_setzen(oDoc As Document, sPropName As String, vPropValue As Variant) ' Belegt eine Property mit einem Wert. ' Ist die Property nicht vorhanden, so wird sie angelegt. ' Obtain the PropertySets collection object Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Set oPropSets = oDoc.PropertySets Dim bPropertyDa As Boolean Dim oProp As Property bPropertyDa = False On Error Resume Next ' Iterate through all the PropertySets one by one using for loop ' and changing its value if found Dim oPropSet As PropertySet For Each oPropSet In oPropSets For Each oProp In oPropSet 'Debug.Print oProp.Name If = sPropName Then oProp.Value = vPropValue bPropertyDa = True Exit For End If Next Next 'Property anlegen und Wert eintragen If Not bPropertyDa Then oDoc.PropertySets("{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}").Add vPropValue, sPropName 'oDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties").Add vPropValue, sPropName End If On Error GoTo 0 End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function Property_lesen(oDoc As Document, sPropName As String) As Variant ' Liest eine Property. ' Ist die Property nicht vorhanden, so wird "" zurückgegeben. Property_lesen = "" If oDoc Is Nothing Then Return ' Obtain the PropertySets collection object Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Set oPropSets = oDoc.PropertySets Dim oProp As Property ' Iterate through all the PropertySets one by one using for loop Dim oPropSet As PropertySet For Each oPropSet In oPropSets For Each oProp In oPropSet 'Debug.Print oProp.Name If = sPropName Then Property_lesen = oProp.Value Exit For End If Next Next End Function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Property_loeschen(oDoc As Document, sPropName As String) ' Löscht eine Property. ' Obtain the PropertySets collection object Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Set oPropSets = oDoc.PropertySets Dim oPropSet As PropertySet Dim oProp As Property Dim bFound As Boolean bFound = False ' Iterate through all the PropertySets one by one using for loop For Each oPropSet In oPropSets For Each oProp In oPropSet If = sPropName Then oProp.Delete End If Next Next End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub DelMisusedIProps() ' Löscht falsch benutzte iProperties: ' iProp-Bevollmächtigter 'Authority : löschen der Volumenangabe - Kennung "mm^3" ' iProp-Kostenstelle 'Cost Center: löschen der Massenangabe - Kennung " kg" ' iProp-Zulieferer 'Vendor : löschen der Angabe - Kennung "Autodesk Inc." ' iProp-TotalMass : löschen ' iProp-TotalVolume : löschen ' iProp-SaveDate : löschen ' iProp-SaveTime : löschen ' Declare the Application object Dim oApplication As Inventor.Application ' Obtain the Inventor Application object. ' This assumes Inventor is already running. Set oApplication = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application") ' Set a reference to the active document. ' This assumes a document is open. Dim oDoc As Document Set oDoc = oApplication.ActiveDocument If InStr(1, Property_lesen(oDoc, "Authority"), "mm^3", vbTextCompare) Then Call Property_setzen(oDoc, "Authority", "") End If If InStr(1, Property_lesen(oDoc, "Cost Center"), " kg", vbTextCompare) Then Call Property_setzen(oDoc, "Cost Center", "") End If If Property_lesen(oDoc, "Vendor") = "Autodesk Inc." Then Call Property_setzen(oDoc, "Vendor", "") End If Call Property_loeschen(oDoc, "TotalMass") Call Property_loeschen(oDoc, "TotalVolume") Call Property_loeschen(oDoc, "SaveDate") Call Property_loeschen(oDoc, "SaveTime") End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub test() ' Declare the Application object Dim oApplication As Inventor.Application ' Obtain the Inventor Application object. ' This assumes Inventor is already running. Set oApplication = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application") ' Set a reference to the active document. ' This assumes a document is open. Dim oDoc As Document Set oDoc = oApplication.ActiveDocument Dim vPropValue As Variant Dim sPropName As String sPropName = "Testprop" vPropValue = "Test" Call Property_setzen(oDoc, sPropName, vPropValue) sPropName = "Cost" vPropValue = 2.115768172 Call Property_setzen(oDoc, sPropName, vPropValue) Call Property_Expression_setzen(oDoc, "Testcost", "= ksjhfkas") Call Doc_Properties_auslesen(oDoc) Call Property_loeschen(oDoc, "Testcost") Call Property_loeschen(oDoc, "Testprop") End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Properties_auslesen() ' Declare the Application object Dim oApplication As Inventor.Application ' Obtain the Inventor Application object. ' This assumes Inventor is already running. Set oApplication = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application") ' Set a reference to the active document. ' This assumes a document is open. Dim oDoc As Document Set oDoc = oApplication.ActiveDocument Call Doc_Properties_auslesen(oDoc) End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Doc_Properties_auslesen(oDoc As Document) ' Obtain the PropertySets collection object Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Set oPropSets = oDoc.PropertySets ' Iterate through all the PropertySets one by one using for loop Dim oPropSet As PropertySet Dim oProperty As Property Debug.Print Debug.Print "Properties in " & oDoc.DisplayName Debug.Print Debug.Print "===============================================================================" Debug.Print For Each oPropSet In oPropSets ' Obtain the DisplayName of the PropertySet Debug.Print "Display name: " & oPropSet.DisplayName ' Obtain the InternalName of the PropertySet Debug.Print "Internal name: " & oPropSet.InternalName ' Write a blank line to separate each pair. Debug.Print ' Next ' Get a reference to the "Design Tracking Properties" PropertySet 'Dim oPropSet As PropertySet 'Set oPropSet = oPropsets.Item("{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}") 'Dim oPropSet As PropertySet 'For Each oPropSet In oPropsets ' Iterate through all the Properties in the current set. For Each oProperty In oPropSet On Error Resume Next ' Obtain the Name of the Property Dim sName As String sName = ' Obtain the Value of the Property Dim vValue As Variant vValue = oProperty.Value ' Obtain the Expression of the Property Dim vExpression As Variant vExpression = oProperty.Expression ' Obtain the PropertyId of the Property Dim PropertyId As Long PropertyId = oProperty.PropId Debug.Print sName; Tab(35); ": " & vValue; If VBA.Left$(CStr(vExpression), 1) = "=" Then Debug.Print Tab(70); vExpression Else Debug.Print End If If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear End If Next Debug.Print Debug.Print "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" Debug.Print Next '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Sub Private Function Trennzeichen(ByVal Anzahl As Long) As String Dim ii As Long Trennzeichen = "" For ii = 0 To Anzahl - 1 Trennzeichen = Trennzeichen + " " Next ii End Function Public Sub getPropsFromIdwParent() If Not ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType = kDrawingDocumentObject Then Exit Sub End If Dim oDrwDoc As Inventor.DrawingDocument Set oDrwDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument If oDrwDoc.ReferencedDocuments.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub End If Dim oRefDoc As Inventor.Document Set oRefDoc = oDrwDoc.ReferencedDocuments.Item(1) Const i As Long = 11 Dim iPropName(i) As String iPropName(1) = "Title" iPropName(2) = "Description" iPropName(3) = "Description2" iPropName(4) = "Subject" iPropName(5) = "Part Number" iPropName(6) = "Project" iPropName(7) = "Halbzeug" iPropName(8) = "Company" iPropName(9) = "Stock Number" iPropName(10) = "Vendor" iPropName(11) = "Manufacturer" For ii = 1 To i Call IPropEintraege.Property_setzen(oDrwDoc, iPropName(ii), _ CStr(IPropEintraege.Property_lesen(oRefDoc, iPropName(ii)))) Next ii Set oRefDoc = Nothing Set oDrawDoc = Nothing Set oApp = Nothing End Sub Public Sub GetIPropsFromParent() If Not (ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType = kDrawingDocumentObject Or _ ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType = kPresentationDocumentObject) _ Then Exit Sub End If Dim oTargetDoc As Inventor.Document Set oTargetDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument If oTargetDoc.ReferencedDocuments.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub End If Dim oSourceDoc As Inventor.Document Set oSourceDoc = oTargetDoc.ReferencedDocuments.Item(1) Const i As Long = 11 Dim iPropName(i) As String iPropName(1) = "Title" iPropName(2) = "Description" iPropName(3) = "Description2" iPropName(4) = "Subject" iPropName(5) = "Part Number" iPropName(6) = "Project" iPropName(7) = "Halbzeug" iPropName(8) = "Company" iPropName(9) = "Stock Number" iPropName(10) = "Vendor" iPropName(11) = "Manufacturer" For ii = 1 To i Call IPropEintraege.Property_setzen(oTargetDoc, iPropName(ii), _ CStr(IPropEintraege.Property_lesen(oSourceDoc, iPropName(ii)))) Next ii Set oTargetDoc = Nothing Set oSourceDoc = Nothing Set oApp = Nothing End Sub Public Sub Description_umtragen() Dim oDoc As Inventor.Document Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Call Property_setzen(oDoc, "Title", Property_lesen(oDoc, "Description")) End Sub '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub dummy() End Sub