#! UG/KF 18.0 #+ #============================================================================ # # Copyright 2007 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. # # All Rights Reserved. # #============================================================================ #- # # #++ This checker template checks if the specified modeling views exist in the file. (String) model_view_name: - (Required) Specifies the names of the modeling views. Multiple names must be separated by commas (,). For example: "drawing1,drawing2". (Boolean) disabled? - Disables the checker when the value is True. The default value is False. (Boolean) save_log_in_part - Saves the checker results to the part file. The default value is True. (integer) log_type - Specifies the log type to use to report a violation: LOG_ERROR LOG_WARNING LOG_INFO The default is LOG_ERROR. (String) log_msg - Adds a user-defined message when the system reports a violation. The default is an empty string. Passed -- All specified modeling views were found. Failed -- One or more specified modeling views were not found. Note: The checker checks for views which are not canned system views. ============================================================================================ Follow these steps to customize this checker template: 1. (Required) Change the class name and the category name. 2. (Required) Specify the names of the modeling views to be found. (String) model_view_name: "drawing1,drawing2"; 3. (Optional) Specify a default log option for the checker. - (Integer) log_type: 1 - LOG_ERROR 2 - LOG_WARNING 3 - LOG_INFO ============================================================================================= #- DefClass: %mqc_check_modeling_view_name( %ug_base_checker ); # Check-Mate attributes and parameters ( String ) %test_category: "Template.File Structure"; ( String ) %displayed_name: "Check Modeling View"; ( Boolean Parameter ) disabled?: false; ( Boolean Parameter ) save_log_in_part: true; # Checker specific parameters and attributes ( String Parameter ) model_view_name: ""; ( String ) model_view_name_label: "Modeling View Name(s)"; # parameter for log_option ( Integer Parameter ) log_type: 1; ( List ) log_type_option: { LOG_ERROR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_INFO }; ( String ) log_type_label: "Log Option"; # parameter for log_message ( String Parameter ) log_msg: ""; ( String ) log_msg_label: "Log Additional Message"; ( Integer ) view_type: 1; ( List ) view_names_to_check: If -( model_view_name: = "" ) & -( model_view_name: = noValue ) Then Splitstring( model_view_name:, "," ) Else {}; # Checking ... ( Any Uncached ) do_check: If empty?( view_names_to_check: ) Then ug_mqc_empty_param_warning() Else ug_mqc_checkViewNames( view_type:, view_names_to_check:, nth( log_type:, log_type_option: ), log_msg: );