[Global Options] 'To use the functions set the value to True, to disable then use False EnableViewScale = True EnableViewScalePerSheet= True EnableSheetMetal = False EnableMass = True EnableVolume = True EnablePartsList = False EnableTimeStamp = True EnablePaperSize = True EnableSM= False EnableCenterOfMassWorkPoint= False [View Scale Options] 'Always use X and Y in the Scale display string 'Example HowToDisplayFirstViewScale=[X:Y] will display as [1:2] in the properties HowToDisplayFirstViewScale = X:Y 'Always use X and Y in the Scale display string 'Example HowToDisplayAllViewScales=X:Y will display as 1:2 in the properties HowToDisplayAllViewScales = X:Y 'Set the charactor for the All View Scales list separator 'Example ListSparator="," the list will dispaly as [5:1],[1:1] ListSparator = "," 'Value that will control if the the First View is excluded from the All View Scales list 'True: Exclude the Scale of the First View from the All View Scales list 'False: All View Scales are included in the list ExcludeFirstInAllScales = True 'True: Uses the same display style as inventor, Scale 2.5 is shown as 2.5:1 'False: Always find an integer value for both values, Scale 2.5 is shown as 5:2 ShowScaleAsInventor = True 'Number of decimals used in non fractional scales ShowScaleAsInventorDecimals = 2 'Name of Custom Property holding the Scale of the First placed View FirstViewScalePropertyName = FirstViewScale 'Name of Custom Property holding the all other used Scales AllViewScalesPropertyName = AllViewScales 'Prefix name for the per Sheet First Scale View, the surfix is the Sheet number, FirstViewScale:1, FirstViewScale:2 FirstViewScaleSheetName=FirstViewScale: [Sheet Metal Options] 'Name of Custom Property for the Sheet Metal Extents (Width x Lenght) SMExtentsSizePropertyName=SM_Extents 'Names of 2 Custom Property for the Sheet Metal Extents Width and Lenght values SMWidthSizePropertyName=SM_Extents_Width SMLengthSizePropertyName=SM_Extents_Length 'Text to place in the Extents Property if no flatpattern exist SMExtentsSizeIfNotAvailable=N/A 'Name of Custom Property for the selected Sheet Metal Thickness SMThicknessPropertyName=SM_Thickness 'Name of Custom Property for the selected Sheet Metal Style SMStylePropertyName=SM_Style 'Calculation of the square size of the unfolded Sheet Metal, Width x Lenght SMSquarePropertyName=SM_Square SMSquareDecimals=0 [Mass And Volume Options] ' Warning Adding any text will overrule the use of the Document Settings for detecting the mass unit MassUnitToDisplay="" 'Number of decimals for the Mass value MassDecimals=3 'Name of Custom Property for the Mass MassPropertyName=TotalMass 'Number of decimals for the Volume value VolumeDecimals = 0 'Name of Custom Property for the Volume VolumePropertyName=TotalVolume [Paper Size Options] 'Name of Custom Property for the Used Paper Size on the first sheet PaperSizePropertyName=PaperSize [TimeStamp Options] 'Name of Time Custom Property when the document is saved SaveTimePropertyName=SaveTime 'Name of Date Custom Property when the document is saved SaveDatePropertyName=SaveDate [Center Of Mass Options] COMWorkPointPropertyName=Center of Mass