DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo)) ;; 3D-Geo DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_edged)) ;; specifies 3D edges DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_face_color)) ;;specifies 3D faces will be drawn with face color DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_face_reflectance)) ;; specified 3D faces will be drawn with face reflectance properties DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_face_transparency)) ;;specifies 3D faces will be drawn with face transparency DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_edge_color)) ;; specifies 3D edges will be drawn with edge color DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_hidden)) ;; specifies 3D hidden edges DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_hidden_dimmed)) ;; specifies 3D hidden edges will be drawn with dimmed edge color DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_label)) ;; specifies 3D labeling DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_mixed)) ;; specifies 3D that mixed settings attached are used to control the appearance of 3D geometry DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_part_reflectance)) ;; specifies 3D faces will be drawn with part reflectance properties DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_part_transparency)) ;;specifies 3D faces will be drawn with part transparency DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_shaded)) ;; specifies 3D shaded geometry DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_vertices)) ;; specifies 3D vertices DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :3dgeo_wire)) ;; specifies 3D wire edges DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :clip_planes)) ;; specifies model clip plane feedback DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :coord_system)) ;; specifies coordinate systems DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :docu_planes)) ;; specifies docu planes DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :feature_pts)) ;; specifies feature points DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplane_sets_match_lines)) ;; specifies workplane set match lines DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplanes)) ;; specifies workplanes DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplanes_border)) ;; specifies workplane borders DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplanes_hidden)) ;; specifies hidden workplanes DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplanes_label)) ;; specifies workplane labeling DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplanes_local_axis)) ;; specifies workplanes local axis DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplanes_2dgeo)) ;; specifies a workplane's 2D geometry DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplanes_2dconstruction)) ;; specifies a workplane's 2D construction DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplanes_2dgeo_label)) ;; specifies a workplane's 2D labeling DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :workplanes_2dgeo_vertices)) ;; specifies a workplane's 2D vertices DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :layouts)) ;; specifies layouts DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :layout_view_border)) ;; specifies layout borders DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :layout_view_label)) ;; specifies layout view labels DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :CLIP_LINES)) ;; Schnittlinie DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :WORKPLANES_DIM_INACTIVE)) ;; DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :WORKPLANES_2DGEO_LINE_TYPE)) ;; DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :WORKPLANES_2DGEO_COLOR)) ;; DISPLAY (getres (GET_SHOW (oli::sd-inq-current-vp) :CLIP_HATCHES)) ;; DISPLAY " " DISPLAY (oli::sd-inq-vp-camera (oli::sd-inq-current-vp)) ;; Zoom+Drehwinkel