Ein Kleines beispiel Ein VBA/VB6 Skript Public Sub Example_Shapes_Plates() Dim start_time As Double Dim stop_time As Double Dim elapsed_time As Double Dim oShape As New Ks_ComCreateShape Dim oPlate As New Ks_ComCreatePlate Dim oStart(0 To 2) As Double Dim oEnd(0 To 2) As Double Dim oMove As New Ks_ComVector Dim oMat As New Ks_ComMatrix Dim I As Long Dim J As Long oShape.SetCrossSection "HE200A", "DIN_HEA" oShape.SetCrossSectionType kStandardType For I = 1 To 100 For J = 1 To 100 oStart(0) = I * 1000#: oStart(1) = J * 500#: oStart(2) = 0# oEnd(0) = I * 1000# + 500#: oEnd(1) = J * 500#: oEnd(2) = 0# oShape.SetInsertPoints oStart, oEnd oShape.Create Next Next For I = 1 To 100 For J = 1 To 100 oMove.Set I * 1000, J * 500, 500 oMat.SetToTranslation (oMove.Vector) oPlate.SetToDefaults oPlate.SetInsertMatrix oMat.Matrix oPlate.SetAsRectangularPlate 400, 200 oPlate.SetThickness (30) oPlate.Create Next Next End Sub Und das VB.NET Gegenstück – basierend auf dem NetWrapper Sub Example_Shapes_Plates() Dim oShape As New KsNetCreateShape Dim oPlate As New KsNetCreatePlate Dim oStart As New KsNetPoint Dim oEnd As New KsNetPoint Dim oMove As New KsNetVector Dim oMat As New KsNetMatrix Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer oShape.SetCrossSection("HE200A", "DIN.DIN_HEA") oShape.SetCrossSectionType(ProStructures.SectionType.kStandardType) For i = 1 To 100 For j = 1 To 100 oStart.Set(i * 1000.0#, j * 500.0#, 0.0#) oEnd.Set(i * 1000 + 500.0#, j * 500.0#, 0.0#) oShape.SetInsertPoints(oStart, oEnd) oShape.Create() Next Next For i = 1 To 100 For j = 1 To 100 oMove.set(i * 1000, j * 500, 500) oMat.setToTranslation(oMove) oPlate.SetToDefaults() oPlate.SetInsertMatrix(oMat) oPlate.SetAsRectangularPlate(400, 200) oPlate.SetThickness(30) oPlate.Create() Next Next End Sub