MACRO_NAME = "BillOfMaterial" MACRO_VERS = "V0.4" 'VER: 0.4 FIXED BUG FOR ASSEMBLY PARAMETERS EXTRACTION - CHILD PARTS PARAMETERS ARE PLACED HIGHER IN PARAMETER COLLECTION AND CATIA USES FIRST FOUND VALUE ' 0.3 IMPLEMENTS THE REQUEST TO EXTRACT THE USER PARAMETERS ON THE ASSEMBLIES ' 0.2 IMPLEMENTS THE REQUEST TO COUNT ALSO ASSEMBLIES AND ONLY PRINT THEM ONCE 'DESC: SCANS THE SPEC TREE OF OPENED DOCUMENT AND GENERATES A BOM INCLUDING USER DEFINED PARAMETERS 'PREP: OPEN DOCUMENT MUST BE OF TYPE CATPRODUCT 'LANG: CATSCRIPT 'DATE: 09/09/2013 'CREA: '------------------------------------------- dim objXL As Object dim oAWBook As Object dim oDict1 As Object '---------------------------------------- Sub CATMain() setUpExcel CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product.ApplyWorkMode DESIGN_MODE ' product, excelRow, instalLvl, assyCount TreeWalk CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product, 0 , 0, 1 END_MESSAGE End Sub '---------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------- Sub setUpExcel() ' Exel Öffnen Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objXL.Visible = True Set oAWBook = objxl.Workbooks.Add 'Spaltentitel objXL.Cells(1,1).Value = ("EinbaueEbene") objXL.Cells(1,2).Value = ("Pos_Nr.") objXL.Cells(1,3).Value = ("Menge") objXL.Cells(1,4).Value = ("Bezeichnung") objXL.Cells(1,5).Value = ("Material") objXL.Cells(1,6).Value = ("Masse") objXL.Cells(1,7).Value = ("Durchmesser") objXL.Cells(1,8).Value = ("Länge") objXL.Cells(1,9).Value = ("Breite") objXL.Cells(1,10).Value = ("Höhe") objXL.Cells(1,11).Value = ("DIN EN ISO") objXL.Cells(1,12).Value = ("Produktart") 'Spaltentitel_Bold objXL.Cells(1,1).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,2).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,3).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,4).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,5).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,6).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,7).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,8).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,9).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,10).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,11).Font.Bold = True objXL.Cells(1,12).Font.Bold = True 'Spaltenbreite objXL.Range("A1").ColumnWidth = 14 objXL.Range("B1").ColumnWidth = 10 objXL.Range("C1").ColumnWidth = 10 objXL.Range("D1").ColumnWidth = 38 objXL.Range("E1").ColumnWidth = 14 objXL.Range("F1").ColumnWidth = 11 objXL.Range("G1").ColumnWidth = 14 objXL.Range("H1").ColumnWidth = 14 objXL.Range("I1").ColumnWidth = 14 objXL.Range("J1").ColumnWidth = 14 objXL.Range("K1").ColumnWidth = 25 objXL.Range("L1").ColumnWidth = 10 End Sub '---------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------- Sub WriteToExcel(byVal prod As product, byVal excelRow As Integer, byVal quantity As Integer, byVal instalLvl as Integer) dim i as integer dim paraFullName As String objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,1).Value = instalLvl objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,3).Value = quantity objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,4).Value = prod.PartNumber On error resume next for i = 1 To prod.Parameters.Count paraFullName = prod.Parameters.Item(i).Name if Left(paraFullName, LEN(prod.PartNumber)) = prod.PartNumber then If InStr(paraFullName ,"Pos_Nr.") then objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,2).Value = prod.Parameters.Item(i).ValueAsString If InStr(paraFullName ,"Material") then objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,5).Value = prod.Parameters.Item(i).ValueAsString If InStr(paraFullName ,"Masse") then objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,6).Value = prod.Parameters.Item(i).ValueAsString If InStr(paraFullName ,"Durchmesser") then objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,7).Value = prod.Parameters.Item(i).ValueAsString If InStr(paraFullName ,"Laenge") then objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,8).Value = prod.Parameters.Item(i).ValueAsString If InStr(paraFullName ,"Breite") then objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,9).Value = prod.Parameters.Item(i).ValueAsString If InStr(paraFullName ,"Hoehe") then objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,10).Value = prod.Parameters.Item(i).ValueAsString If InStr(paraFullName ,"DIN EN ISO") then objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,11).Value = prod.Parameters.Item(i).ValueAsString If InStr(paraFullName ,"Produktart") then objXL.Cells(3+ excelRow,12).Value = prod.Parameters.Item(i).ValueAsString end if next End Sub '---------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------- Sub treewalk(byVal oProd As Product, byref excelRow As integer, byref instalLvl as Integer, byVal assyCount As Integer) dim oChild as Product dim oDict1 as Object dim oDict2 as Object Set oDict1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'keeps item quantity Set oDict2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'keeps part item print state dim oDict3 as Object Set oDict3 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'keeps part item print state of prod ' gets components count for each oChildCount in oProd.Products if oDict1.Exists(oChildCount.PartNumber) then oDict1.Item(oChildCount.PartNumber) = oDict1.Item(oChildCount.PartNumber) +1 else oDict1.Add(oChildCount.PartNumber), 1 End If Next WriteToExcel oProd, excelRow, assyCount, instalLvl for each oChild in oProd.Products excelRow = excelRow + 1 if oChild.Products.Count > 0 then 'product has children if oDict3.Exists(oChild.PartNumber) = false then oDict3.Add(oChild.PartNumber), "printed" TreeWalk oChild, excelRow , instalLvl +1, oDict1.Item(oChild.PartNumber) end if else if oDict2.Exists(oChild.PartNumber) then excelRow = excelRow - 1 else oDict2.Add(oChild.PartNumber), true WriteToExcel oChild, excelRow, oDict1.Item(oChild.PartNumber), instalLvl +1 end if end if next End Sub '---------------------------------------- '---------------------------------------- sub END_MESSAGE() MSGBOX MACRO_NAME & " " & MACRO_VERS & " finished." _ & CHR(10) & "Please check results" & CHR(10) & _ "-----------------------------------" & CHR(10) & _ "-----------------------------------" & CHR(10) & _ "macro written by:" & CHR(10) & _ "" , vbyes, MACRO_NAME & " " & MACRO_VERS end sub '----------------------------------------